Page 11 - Torch - January 2020
P. 11
Your Physical & Mental Health
A “Delta” Resolve
Join WW.COM/DST…What’s your color?
In the spirit of and aligned with our #DeltaCare (see national website for details)
Initiative forged by our National President and
the beginning of a new year and new decade, let Join the Red S.H.O.E. Challenge: 22 Days of
us resolve to “endeavor to preserve our health….” Healthy Habits Starting 1/22 (see national
Let us join in the charge to recommit to living website for details)
well and consider using our MAC sister circles as Join me on Thursday, February 6th at 6pm for
our core support channels to help us grow in a “Heart-Centered” Yoga class sponsored by the
ways that will support our overall Mind, Body, PMH committee in support of The American
and Spirit. Heart Association GO RED Campaign. Be on
the look out in MAC Memos for all the details
or contact Soror Taft below. Be sure to wear
something RED and be ready for a group
Before we go…..Verse of reflection:
“A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body; jealousy is
like cancer in the bones”…..Proverbs 14:30
Tiffany H. Taft, Ph.D., is an Integrative Health
and Wellness Therapist focused on the science
and well-being of the Mind, Body, and Spirit.
You may contact her directly via email: or via her website:
Our national president stated on a recent Physical
and Mental Health webinar that “selfcare is
important to our physical, mental, and spiritual
health, especially as we are busy about the work of
Delta”. She also mentioned a recent corporate
partnership with WW (Weight Watchers
Reimagined) that is sure to help us WIN. Life is
busy but please be sure to make time for YOU.
As we move into February, make sure that you
are on track to reach your wellness goals for the
year and beyond. Here are a few to get you