Page 7 - Torch - January 2020
P. 7
Arts & Letters Committee
Sunday at the MAC-inee
DST Red Carpet Film Initiative
Submitted by: Soror Jimmetta Gourdine
ary Baptist, the Elite’ Social Civic Club, Knights
of Peter Claver Court 345, Montgomery Chapter
of Jack & Jill of America, Inc., and Montgomery
area members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority.
Children and youth were also in attendance.
Arts & Letters movie event coordinators Sorors
Celena Pitts and Robin Wood along with
committee members: Evelyn Boyd, Angel Garrett,
Diane Hamilton, Jo McCall, Linda Osborne,
Tracy Parks, Doris Pugh, Wanda Robinson and
Pamela Selmar welcomed all attendees, provided
The Montgomery (AL) Alumnae Chapter of Delta information and directions along with a comple-
Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. hosted a sold out mentary “Delta” snack pack. Also, included in the
private showing of the Delta Red Carpet Movie snack pack was information of future chapter
Just Mercy on January 19, 2020. The event was events open to the public. Prior to the event,
coordinated by the chapter’s Arts & Letters Com- several Arts & Letters Committee members
mittee. More than 700 Sorors, family, and friends assisted with planning and snack pack assembly.
were in attendance at the AMC Festival Plaza 16
Theatre, Montgomery, Alabama. Before the start of the film, Soror Cassandra E.
Brown, chapter president greeted four capacity
The movie, Just Mercy, staring filled auditoriums and reminded viewers the film
“The event was
Jamie Foxx and Michael B. Jor- was based on actual events and encouraged all to
well-organized. I
dan, explores real life experi- go out to vote (GOTV).
am glad I came.”
ences of civil rights attorney
-Movie goer Bryan Stevenson and his efforts At the end of the film,
to fight for the freedom of An- several movie goers
thony Ray Hinton, a condemned death row could be heard making
prisoner who was wrongly convicted of the 1985 comments such as,
murders of two fast food restaurant managers in “Everything moved so
Birmingham, AL sentenced to death, and held on quickly,” and “This was
the state's death row for 28 years. a great movie-very well-
Among guest who strolled the Delta Mac-inee
Red Carpet included Sorors of the Montgomery Remember: Our goal in
(AL) Alumnae Chapter, Selma Alumnae Chapter, supporting films is not
community churches; First Congregational solely centered on planning to see them, but also
Christian, Hall Memorial CME, Rock Creek proving through our attendance that there is a
Baptist, Mt. Zion AME Zion and Shiloh Mission market for more films like these.