Page 3 - Torch - January 2020
P. 3
Chaplain’s Corner
Choose To Love Unconditionally
Submitted by Soror Catrina R. Waters
Hello Sorors! in your face all the while talk-
Let me be the first to say Happy Valentine’s Day ing about you behind your back. But guess what?
and that you are loved! We are not responsible for how others treat us; we
are only responsible for how we treat them. The
Love! Love is such a powerful yet delicate word. I bible teaches us, “Above all, love each other deep-
do not know anyone who does not want to be loved ly, because love covers a multitude of sins.” 1 Peter
or feel loved. When you say I love you, it should not 4:8.
follow with pain as proof of that love. When you love
someone, you do not intentionally try to hurt him or Let us pray: Dear God, I ask you to bless my Sister
her. When you love someone, you do not use or reading this article. Help her to love with an agape
abuse them. When you love someone, you do not kind of love. Help her to love her neighbor as her-
lie on him or her. When you love someone, you do self. Lord, guide her in her walk with you and pro-
not treat him or her carelessly. When you love tect her heart from those who mean her no good.
someone, you do not want to cause him or her pain. May she know that you love her with an everlasting
Because when you love someone, you want noth- love. The kind of love that knows no boundaries
ing but the best for them. When you love someone, and has no limits. Help her to realize that there is
you walk away instead of saying something that you no place too deep that your love cannot still reach
will regret later. When you love someone, you will her. Thank you, God, that while we were yet sin-
do all you can do to help in times of need. When ners, you died for us. Remind her that because of
you love someone, you do not slander his or her your love, we are forgiven. In the precious name of
name. When you love someone, you love him or Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen
her because God loves you. The bible tells us to NOTE: The Chaplain’s Council is here for you. We
love the sinner (EVERYONE), but hate the sin. are praying for you and with you. We invite you to
We, as believers, are called to love one another; to join us on the third Wednesday of the month at 6:00
love with agape love. This type of love is uncondi- – 6:15A.M., for the “What happens when Sisters
tional. It is that kind of love, which loves in spite of it pray” prayer call. It is a time of devotion, prayer,
all. As we look around us, time is fleeting, and and refreshing for a new day. Connect with us as
somebody is leaving this world every day, every we bombard Heaven on behalf of others, our com-
minute. My Sisters, its time out for holding grudges munity, our chapter, our Sorority, each other and
and treating one another any kind of way. Its time ourselves. Remember, God hears us when we
out for slanderous gossip, hurtful words and ac- pray.
tions. Because tomorrow is promised to no one. 2020 PRAYER CALL DATES:
Better yet, the next breath you or I take is not guar- February 19th, March 18 , April 15 , May 13
anteed. Prayer Line: 515.603.4901
Participant Code: 759781#
Today, I challenge each of us to self-assess, check
our love thermostat, and ensure our love is to all
and for all unconditionally. Choose today to love
more. Yes, some people do not show that agape
love. They may not treat you right. They may smile