Page 4 - Torch - January 2020
P. 4

The Movement Continues…….

                                 A Founders Day Celebration to Remember

                                                                towering replica of the sculptor, Fortitude, created
                                                                by Soror Pamela Barnes.  Soror Catrina R. Waters,
                                                                Founders  Day  Chair,  welcomed  the  sorors  in
                                                                attendance.  The theme for the occasion was, “The
                                                                Movement Continues: Same Vision – Stronger Com-
                                                                mitment – Greater Service.” After the introduction
                                                                of the dais by Soror Melvetta Leach-Peck, 2  Vice
                                                                President, Soror Cassandra E. Brown, Chapter Presi-
                                                                dent,  gave  a  unique  greeting to  all  in attendance.
                                                                She encouraged sorors to honor and appreciate the
                                                                vision  of  the  Founders.    Soror  Lauren  Blanding,
                                                                Founders  Day  Vice  Chair  delivered  the  invocation
                                                                that reminded all to be thankful and to reflect on
                                                                the  shoulders  upon  which  we  stand  and  serve  in
                                                                Delta.  The  occasion  for  the  celebration  was  pre-
                                                                sented  by  Crystal  Crump,  1   Vice  president.    She
                                                                connected issues related to the great history of our
                                                                city, Delta Sigma Theta, Sorority, Incorporated, the
                                                                Montgomery (AL) Alumnae Chapter and the social
                                                                issues that still need to be addressed as we move
                                                                forward as a community.

                                                                The audience was definitely entertained by musical
                                                                performances by the Delta Aires.  The performance
                                                                of  “Jesus  Promised”  and  “Write  the  Vision”  re-
         The Montgomery (AL) Alumnae Chapter celebrated         ceived active engagement from the audience.  The
         107 years of the founding of Delta Sigma Theta So-     atmosphere  was  filled  with  a  spirit  of  sisterhood
         rority, Incorporated on Saturday, February 1, 2020,    and  Christian  love.    Equally  impressive  was  the
         at  the  Embassy  Suites  Hotel  in  Montgomery,  AL.   moving  inspirational  dramatization  entitled,  “The
         The National Treasurer, Pamela R. Hill served as the   Movement  Continues”  written  by  Soror  Catrina  R.
         presiding officer of the Rededication Ceremony that    Waters  was  presented.  Soror  Mona  Davis  was  in-
         preceded  the  Founders  Day  Celebration.  The  21    credible  with  the  voice-over  presentation,  Sorors
         National  President,  Soror  Marcia  L  Fudge  was  the   Brittany  Pettaway,  Courtnee’  Bell,  and  Lauren
         speaker our Founders Day Celebration.                  Blanding beautifully danced to “A Change is Gonna
                                                                Come” and “Girl On Fire”, that incorporated a tal-
         Following the  Rededication  Ceremony, the electri-    ented  cast  of  sorors  as  they  portrayed  a  modern
         fying  processional  had  Sorors  on  their  feet  was  a   day  Women’s  Suffrage  March  Reenactment  and
         great start to the celebration luncheon as they en-    related today issues and  yesterday’s crucial move-
         tered on “Back in Stride Again.” There was a beauti-   ments towards justice and equality.  The dance very
         ful  sea  of  red,  were  four  hundred  sorors  repre-  fittingly incorporated the “Fortitude Stance”.
         senting five states were in attendance.  The atmos-
         phere and ambiance gave the feeling of a Regional      While a delicious lunch was being served which in-
         Conference  or  National  Convention  event.    The    cluded; a Garden Salad, Grilled Chicken with a Par-
         room was beautifully decorated with flowers drap-      mesan  Cream  Sauce,  French  Green  Beans  with
         ing the dais, table settings on red chargers with hur-  shredded carrots on top, garlic new potatoes, fresh
         ricane  lamps,  African  violets,  magnolia  leaves  and   baked rolls and butter, New York style cheesecake
         candles.  The focal point of the entire room was the   drizzled with a strawberry sauce.
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