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Bank Financial Management

        CONFERENCES                                                   Non-Executive Positions

        IBA Management Conference                                   •  Upside Down Thinking on Efficiency - Do You
        February 2-6, 2020 | Embassy Suites, Des Moines               Have Your Priorities Backwards?
        Designed for senior bank officers, the Bank Manage-         •  The Directors Education Series: Asset Liability
        ment Conference updates participants on legislative,          Management: Advanced Practical Applications
        economic and technological changes affecting the            •  The Directors Education Series: Asset Liability
        banking industry in Iowa and nationwide.                      Management Nuts and Bolts
                                                                    •  Protecting Your Salaried-Exempt Status

        IBA Annual Convention                                   Graduate School of Banking Webinars
        September 20-22, 2020  | Iowa Event Center, Des
        Moines                                                  (insert info closer to publication date)
        IBA’s Annual Convention offers many opportunities       ABA TRAINING
        for you to participate in networking and educational
        sessions, including an Exhibit Hall featuring over 100   Certificates
        vendors, entertainment, nationally known keynote        Certificate in Bank Financial Management
        presenters, a wide variety of breakout sessions, a      Develop foundational skills for making key decisions
        legislative update and agricultural breakfast.          that affect bank profitability. Learn how to conduct
                                                                performance analyses. Discover ways to measure and
        SCHOOLS                                                 manage interest rate risk. Explore best practices in
        Iowa School of Banking                                  managing funding, liquidity and capital. Demonstrate
        June 7-12, 2020 | Marriott Hotel, Cedar Rapids          understanding by applying concepts in organiza-
                                                                tion-specific exercises.
        Through a two-year program, the Iowa School of
        Banking prepares first level, exempt and mid-level      By completing the ABA Certificate in Bank Finan-
        managers to effectively serve the financial needs of    cial Management curriculum, you’ll strengthen your
        their customers.                                        knowledge of sound financial management in a bank-
        Cost: Member |  Nonmember                               ing institution.
                                                                Required Courses

        PEER GROUPS                                             Facilitated Online: Five to eight weeks each in dura-
                                                                tion, and you can select your start date and log in at
        Chief Financial Officer Online Peer Group               your convenience. Estimated learning time is 3 hours
        Online peer groups use Google Groups to help con-       per week
        nect bankers from across the state and creates a        Analyzing Bank Performance
        forum where you can share ideas, ask questions          Managing the Bank’s Investment Performance
        and gather best practices. There is no cost to join an   Managing Funding, Liquidity, and Capitol
        online peer group.                                      Managing Interest Rate Risk
                                                                Self-Paced Online: This course is approximately 25
        WEBINARS                                                minutes.
        Total Training Solutions Webinars                       Ethical Issues for Bankers
        Webinar catalogs are constantly being updated, to
        search the full catalog visit          Facilitated Online Courses
            •  Executive Total Compensation - Strategies to     Analyzing Bank Performance
              Motivate and Incent                               An overview of tools and techniques to analyze and
            •  Being Strategic with Base Compensation for       improve a bank’s financial performance. Participants
                                                                observe the effects of certain kinds of risk on a bank’s

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