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bunker in the back yard and load up on AK-47s. We Americans know how to overreact.
I normally drive Kadjang to school three days a week and this is one of those days but she wants to go later because she has a test and doesn't have to be there at the normal time, around 7:30. Today it's a half hour later. Jintana will take Awee and we will meet, kind of, for breakfast. The times don't work out so I'll get to Butter is Better just as Jintana is finishing her meal. Not a big problem.
I have a couple hours to kill so I watch Grey's Anatomy on Netflix. Eleven years ago, when Jintana was living with me in my apartment, we got hooked on that show and watched the first few seasons on DVDs. Remember DVDs? Now the last few seasons are on Netflix and we're hooked again but we watch separately on our iPads. We don't have a TV set in our room. We used to, but the cable fees for two sets--one for her mom and one for us--were getting ridiculous.
You can get black boxes here that will bring in hundreds of channels and a friend put one in but our satellite wi-fi was undependable and the shows kept freezing. Nothing like watching a really close playoff game go into the last three minutes and having the TV freeze up. Also, with the old TV I would plug in headphones and watch while Jintana slept. We bought a new, big-screen TV and then discovered there was no way to use headphones. No output for a jack and no bluetooth connection. Crazy. So we gave the TV to Jintana's sister and her husband and just watch Netflix and YouTube on our iPads. I don't miss TV, and I really don't miss the commercials.
Jintana is cleaning the bathroom now. She is a fanatic about cleanliness.
I'm a guy. If she didn't do it, I would but not as well. Now she comes over and stands with her back to me. Being a quick thinker I realized her dress has a bow in the back and she wants me to tie it. I do, not quite perfectly but close enough. I think of buying her flowers today for no reason. I haven't done that in a long time but it feels right.
I sit in my recliner chair with a pillow at the small of my back, my feet up on the bed and keyboard in my lap. It is my writing position. I read that Hemingway stood up when he wrote. I play golf, therefore I have back pain and need a recliner. A few months ago the pain was severe. I would stand up wrong, or roll over wrong, and it would feel like someone drove a spike into my lower back. I did what any smart person would do. I changed my golf swing and bought blow- up pillows for my car and chair to support my lower back. That worked. I get tiny twinges now but they are just reminders of the bad old days.
We sit, waiting for the kids to get ready. I write, Jintana watches her shows on Netflix.
Later today I will have lunch with Todd Sawyer and Randy Thompson. What are the odds that three ex-comedians from Seattle would end up living in

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