Page 1 - Litchfield Park Recreation Center 2019-20 Activity Guide
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FITNESS: Adult & Senior                                 2019-20 LPRC Holiday Hours                                        Litchfield Park Recreation Center

         Balance & Stretch Class                                 2019

         Designed for seniors and older adults, this class will improve or  May 27, Memorial Day     10am—5pm
         maintain the quality of life through a variety of exercises   July 4, Independence Day      10am—5pm                      June, 2019-March, 2020 Activity Guide
         designed to increase muscular strength, range of movement,  September 2, Labor Day          10am—5pm
         balance and stability. Hand-held weights, elastic tubing with  November 11, Veterans Day observed  CLOSED
         handles and a yoga ball are offered for resistance. A chair is
         used throughout the class for seated or standing support.  November 28 & 29, Thanksgiving   CLOSED
         R=Resident  NR=non-resident fees                        December 24-25, Christmas           CLOSED                        2019-20 Hours of Operation                            Lap Swim Hours
          Barcode   Days   Start   End  Time  Ages   Fees
                                                                 January 1, New Years Day            CLOSED                        May 28-July 21, 2019                                  May 28-July 21
          6982   M/W/F  9/30  10/25 9am-10am  16+   $32R/$38NR
                                                                 January 20, Martin Luther King Jr. Day  CLOSED                    Pool                                                  Monday-Friday         5:30am - 6:30am*
          6983   M/W/F  10/28 11/27 9am-10am  16+   $32R/$38NR   February 17, Presidents’ Day        CLOSED                                                                                                    12pm - 4:30pm
                                                                                                                                   Monday-Friday               12pm—4:30pm
          6984   M/W/F  1/6  1/31  9am-10am  16+   $32R/$38NR                                                                                                                                                  7pm-7:30pm*
          7140   M/W/F  2/3  2/28  9am-10am  16+   $32R/$38NR                                                                      Saturday                    10am—7pm                                        7:30pm-9pm
          7141   M/W/F  3/2  3/27  9am-10am  16+   $32R/$38NR                                                                      Sunday                      1pm—7pm                   Saturday              10am-7pm
                                                                                                                                   Office, Weight Room & Courts                          Sunday                1pm-7pm
                                                                                                                                   Monday-Friday               5:30am—9pm                July 22-August 4
          Entrance Fees & Passes                                                                                                   Saturday                    10am—7pm                  Monday-Friday         6am - 8am
          Daily fees:        $3 per person                        Resident summer registration starts April 22,                    July 22-August 4, 2019                                                      7pm-7:30pm*
          Punch passes:                                           2019                                                             Pool                                                                        7:30pm-9pm
          Resident           5 visits for $11; 10 visits for $20   Non-resident summer opens May 4, 2019                           Monday-Thursday             12pm—4:30pm               Saturday              10am-7pm
          Non-resident       5 visits for $14; 10 visits for $24                                                                                               7pm-9pm
                                                                  Fall registration opens  July 15, 2019                           Friday                      12pm-9pm                  August 5-September 1
          Weekly                                                                                                                   Saturday                    10am—7pm                  Monday-Friday         7am-9am
          Resident           $10 single; $20 family               Winter registration opens September 30, 2019                     Sunday                      1pm—7pm                                         3pm-4pm
          Non-resident       $12 single; $24 family               Spring registration opens January 6, 2020                        Office, Weight Room & Courts                                                4pm-8pm*
                                                                                                                                   Monday-Friday               5:30am—9pm
          1/2 month                                               Litchfield Park Recreation                                       Saturday                    10am—7pm                  Saturday              1pm-7pm
          Resident           $12 single; $25 family                                                                                Sunday                      1pm—7pm                   Sunday                1pm-7pm
          Non-resident       $15 single; $30 family               100 S. Old Litchfield Road                                       August 5-September 1, 2019                            All lap swimming is first come first serve and circle swimming
                                                                  623-935-9040                                                                                                           is encouraged. No lap swim during home swim meet nights.
          Monthly                                                                                                                  Pool                                                  *Only one lane open to lap swimmers.
          Resident           $20 single; $40 family              Litchfield Park Recreation Center (LPRC) Directory                Monday-Friday               7am—9am
          Non-resident       $24 single; $48 family                                                                                                            3pm-8pm
                                                                 Office Manager   Chris Weaver        Saturday                    1pm—7pm                  Find us Online!
          3 Month Special, 4th month FREE!                                                                                         Sunday                      1pm—7pm
          Resident           $60 single; $120 family             Aquatic Coordinator Jenna Harris     Office, Weight Room & Courts
          Non-resident       $72 single; $144 family             Special Events   Tricia Kramer       Monday-Friday               7am—8pm                   Log onto and click on the
                                                                 Sports Coordinator  Pat McCoy         Saturday                    10am—7pm                  “Recreation & Registration” button or access
                                                                 Sports Assistant   Julian Madrid                                 1pm—7pm
                                                                                                                                   September 3-April 21, 2020                  
                                                                                                                                   Office, Weight Room & Courts
                                                                                                                                   Monday-Friday               8am—8pm
                                                                                                                                   Saturday                    9am—12pm
                                                                                                                                   Sunday                      CLOSED

                                                                                                                                   Holiday Hours
                                                                                                                                   Monday, May 27, 2019
                                                                                                                                   Memorial Day                10am-5pm

                                                                                                                                   Holiday hours are published on page 12 of the guide.
                                           Visit us on Facebook                                       1,205 likes                                       Register online at

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    REVISED 10/22/19
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