Page 9 - January - March, 2019 CityLine
P. 9
The Future is Ours greeted by a familiar face at the Litchfield Park Historical Society.
by Shelly Smith Hornback, Director of Community Relations Docent Lisa Rigsby, spouse to former LESD Governing Board
member, Daryl Rigsby, was excited to help. It did not take long
The overall excellence of Litchfield Elementary School District is to achieve unanimous Governing Board approval for a Camp 54
entirely by design, and can only be achieved in partnership. This farmworker’s daughter who went on to become valedictorian of
is true of academic success, low administrative costs, and higher- Litchfield High School and the first Mexican-American person
than-average teacher retention rates. It’s also true of our planning from the southwest valley to graduate college. It’s a heartwarming
to open Belen Soto Elementary School in August. story, and we thank the Litchfield Park Historical Society for
helping us share it.
When it was time to
name the 16th school We are honored to contribute to the economic development and
in our “A” rated rich history of this region, and grateful to the partners and voters
district, there was no who help us educate more than 11,000 students. To update the
question about where words from Belen Soto’s 1954 Litchfield High School valedictorian
to turn. Inspired by speech, “The year is 2019, and the future is ours!”
the Governing Board’s
challenge to propose April Pools Day!
legacy names that Saturday, April 27
represent this proud
region, Principal The Litchfield Park Recreation Center's outdoor heated swimming
Cour tney Frazier pool will open on Monday, April 22, 2019. On Saturday, April 27,
immediately sought 2019, from 1-5pm, you are invited to attend the grand reopening
support from a steadfast with a pool party. Admission is free, and activity highlights
District partner. Full include music, food, raffle prizes, and family games. Our Aquatics
of curiosity and Department is “springing into summer” with a full aquatic class
a commitment to schedule including group youth swim lessons, private swim lessons,
historical accuracy, tune-up clinics for summer swim team, and water exercise classes.
Principal Frazier was Questions? Call 623-935-9040.
Join us at The Wigwam’s on-site restaurants
SIPS AND TUNES and bars where you can enjoy live music and
AT THE WIGWAM sip on your favorite cocktails. The perfect place
to meet with a group of friends or even make
some new ones!
Happy Hour | Sunday–Thursday, 4-6pm
Live Music | Thursday–Saturday, 7-10pm
Happy Hour | Monday–Friday 3-6pm
Live Music | Friday–Saturday 6-9pm
623.935.3811 |
litchfi Jan-Mar 2019 Issue | 9