Page 5 - January - March, 2019 CityLine
P. 5
Arts in the Park Outdoor Concerts
All concerts held on The Wigwam front lawn
Sunday, March 17, 2019
Arts in the Park Outdoor
Concert Series Sunday
free concert featuring
the Desert Knights Band
on the front lawn of The
Wigwam from 4-6pm.
Saturday, April 6
On Saturday, April 6, 2019, during the hours of 7am-5pm, the City of
Litchfield Park is encouraging a city-wide Community Garage Sale.
Litchfield Park residents who live within the city limits and wish to
participate are encouraged to set up a garage sale at their own home.
This is an opportunity to recycle items that you no longer have a use
for and that someone else may need. Questions? Call 623-935-9040.
Guidelines for the Community Garage Sale Event
• Time is from 7am-5pm
• A city-issued garage sale permit is NOT required for this event
• All other sign requirements apply (see below)
• No rain date will be scheduled
Signage Requirements Friday, April 5, 2019
• Maximum sign size is 2 ft. x 2 ft. Arts in the Park Outdoor Concert Season
• Signs are to be affixed to a stake and placed in the ground Finale Friday free concert featuring
• No sign may be: (a) affixed to a utility pole; (b) affixed to Cold Shott and the Hurricane Horns on the
a city tree; (c) placed in such a way as to obstruct the view of front lawn of The Wigwam from 7-9pm.
pedestrians or street traffic
• Signs may be posted one day in advance on Friday, April 5,
and must be removed at dusk on Saturday, April 6
• Reminder: The City does not supply signs to residents Property Maintenance
If you would like to have your address listed on the Litchfield City Code Section 9-5-5 requires a property owner/occupant to
Park website so people are aware of your sale, please email your maintain exterior premises in a safe and sanitary manner. Property
address to Tricia Kramer at Listing Maintenance Regulations, Section 9-5-5, includes several violations
your address is strictly voluntary. and item G requires fire hazards be removed including dead trees,
brush, palm fronds and other dead vegetation. It is considered a
Library Book Sale Public Nuisance to have a dead tree or dead vegetation/brush on
Saturday, March 2 any property and, specifically, is a violation of Section 9-5-5 G.
The Friends of Litchfield Park Library will hold a used book sale
in the Litchfield Park Branch Library Community Room, 101 W. Spring Art & Wine Festival
Wigwam Boulevard, from 9am-4pm on Saturday, March 2, 2019. Saturday, March 2 & Sunday, March 3
The sale will be for one day only and includes nonfiction and fiction Save the date! Great food, live music, fine art vendors and much
hardbacks (HBs), paperbacks (PBs) and media items. Prices are $1 more! Eventgoers enjoy over 200 art booths, a beer and wine garden
for HBs and 50 cents for PBs. Media items are $1 each. Specialty serving local microbrews and tastings from Arizona wineries, live
items and collectibles are as priced. All profits are donated to the music, entertainment, and a variety of appetizing food and beverage
library to fund programs for children and adults. Donations of choices. Join us on Saturday and Sunday, March 2 and 3, each
gently used books and media items may be dropped off at the day from 9am-5pm in downtown Litchfield Park. Free parking
library prior to Friday, March 1. Questions? Please call Susan at and admission. Additional event information is available online
623-935-4403. Please support the Litchfield Park Library. at or 623-935-9040.
litchfi Jan-Mar 2019 Issue | 5