Page 3 - January - March, 2019 CityLine
P. 3
2019 Flag Ceremonies Litchfi eld Park Youth Council
8:15am City Hall Front Lawn, Reception to follow In September 2018, Brooke Zanon, a Litchfield Park resident and
Millennium High School senior, contacted the City to request to
meet with government officials to discuss organizing a local youth
council chapter. The City approved forming the chapter and Brooke
became the founder of the Litchfield Park Youth Council (LPYC).
Zanon provided purpose and bylaw input and actively recruited
six young men and women to serve on the 2019 inaugural LPYC.
Assistant City Manager John Mazza and Administrative Assistant
Shelby Hennigan serve as LPYC Staff Advisors.
The LPYC is not a traditional advisory board similar to the
Merchant Marine 81st Founder’s Day March 15 City’s boards and commissions. LPYC’s objective is to educate
Flag Raising Ceremony: Friday, March 15
youth about local government and its impact on the community,
US Army Day 244th Birthday June 14 motivate and empower youth by supporting their voice and foster
Flag Raising Ceremony: Friday, June 14 civic responsibility. The LPYC’s purpose includes working on
community service projects and developing leadership skills while
US Coast Guard 229th Birthday August 4 learning about Litchfield Park’s city government. The members will
Flag Raising Ceremony: Friday, August 2 complete a minimum of one annual community project chosen
US Air Force 72nd Birthday September 18 by the members based on their skills, passions and interests. The
Flag Raising Ceremony: Wednesday, September 18 LPYC will have the opportunity to participate in leadership retreats
with other west valley youth councils.
US Navy Day 244th Birthday October 13
Flag Raising Ceremony: Friday, October 11 The LPYC is open to freshman, sophomores, juniors and seniors
who reside in the 85340 ZIP code. Member’s terms will follow the
Marine Corps 244th Birthday November 10 school year beginning in August and ending in July. This year’s
Flag Raising Ceremony: Friday, November 8 members will work on an abbreviated schedule. For additional
information about the LPYC access
Litchfield-Park-Youth-Council. Questions may be directed to
Seeking Applicants for Boards Shelby or John at 623-935-5033 or email
and Commissions
Take a Bite Out of Crime !
Engaging citizens benefit government and the region and instills a
sense of belonging. Here is your opportunity to become involved, Does your neighborhood have a Block Watch? Over 40 million borhood have a Blocococockkk k WaWaWaWaW tctctcttch?h Over 40 million
knowledgeable, and a part of the process that improves the quality crimes are committed every year and the number continues to mitted every yyyyyeaeaeaeaear r rrr ananananandd d d d thththththe nunununumbmbmbmbbere continues to
f cannot be e ee onononono eeveveveveryryryry cororororo nenenenener;r;r;r;r ttttthehhherereeeefofofofofore, citizens
of life in your City. grow. The Sheriff cannot be on every corner; therefore, citizens
nvolved. It t t isisii eeessss entiialalalal tttto efefefefeffefefefeeccctctc ivivvvelelelly y y y cocococoombmbmbmbmbata crime.
need to become involved. It is essential to effectively combat crime.
The City is seeking applicants for the following advisory boards
Block Waaatctctch:h:hh:
and commissions to the Council for term year commencing in The benefits of a Block Watch:
April 2019: • helps build strong neighborhoods;ild strongngnggng neighborhhhhhooooooooodsdsdsds;;
encourages communication;ges cccccomomomomommunication;
• Design Review Board/Board of Adjustment • gets people involved and helps build partnerships topllplplee invovovvovolvlvlvlvvedeee and hhelellelpspspspsp bbbbuiuiuiuiu ldlddd ppparararrtntntntnt ereree shshshshshipipipipipsssss ttttot
• Industrial Development Authority solve problems;blblblllemeee s;
• Planning and Zoning Commission • becomes the eyes and ears of the Sheriff’s Office; and,theeee eyeeyee es aaaaandndndnd eararrrs of theheheee Sheeeeeriririririffffffffff’s’s’s’ss OOOOOfffffffff ice; andndnnd,
• Recreation and Public Grounds Commission • supplements county resources.ents cocococcounununununtytttyty rrresesesesouououourcrcrcrcesesses..
Applications are available at City Hall or can be printed from Most crimes are crimes of opportunity, and, therefore, can be crimesesess oof f fff opopopopoppoppp rtttttununununititittty,y,y,y,y aandndndndnd, , , , ththththt ererererrefefefeforoooo e,e,e,e ccccaaaan be
nforcement eeeeexpxpxpxpxpereree tttsts ssstatatatatetetete ttthehehehe bbbbbatatatata tltltltlle eeee aagainst t t crime
the City’s website at > Live > Government > prevented. Law enforcement experts state the battle against crime
Boards & Commissions > Become a Commissioner > Boards and is half won when people take a few simple steps to lessen their n peoplplplple e e ee tatatatakekekeee aaaa fffffeweweww sssimimimimimplplplplple e ststsststeps tooooo llllesesesessessesesen n n their
ming g viviviviictctctctimimimims.s.s.s.s SSSSSomomeeee ststststepepepepps s s ss inininini cludududududeee:ee installllllllini
Commissions Membership Application. The website includes chances of becoming victims. Some steps include: installing g
and propeper r dododdd oror aa ddndnd wwwwinininindodododod wwww w locks; avoidininini
information regarding objectives, meeting times and a list of a security alarm and proper door and window locks; avoiding g
e shrubbeeeeryryryry nnnnexexexexe t t t t totototot yyyyououououur r r r hohohohomemememe;;; inininnstststalalallilililingngngngn motion
current members. overgrown or large shrubbery next to your home; installing motion
parking yooooururur vvvehehehehe icicicici lelelelel iiiiin n nn n yoyoyoyourururur ggggarararragagagage;e;e;e; aaaandndndndnd,,, locking
outdoor lighting; parking your vehicle in your garage; and, locking
The deadline for submittal is Friday, March 1, 2019. Make the your vehicle when it is not in use. If you are interested in learning
n it is not iin uuuuusesesesee. Ifffff yyyyyouououu aaaarerererer intttteere esssssteeeeed ininininin llllleae rning
decision today to become involved, and discover the rewards of how to initiate a Block Watch in your neighborhood, contact John
Block Watctchh h h inininin yyyyyouuuuurrr r nnneneiigiii hbhbhbhbbororororhohohoooodddd,,, ,, cooontnttttacaaaa t John
sharing your unique talents and experience with your City. Mazza at or 623-935-5033.
@litchfield-p-p-ppararararrkkk.k ororororo g gg orororor 666232323232 -9-9-993535355-5-5-5-503030303033333.
litchfi Jan-Mar 2019 Issue | 3