Page 9 - P&H October Newsletter
P. 9

TOP SECRET! Personnel Personals

Some of these are actually not personal

President Jason Thomas! Jorge Casaus’s


Jorge Casaus shared this photo from
his recent trip to China. A perfect
example of multiple functionality in
a personal hygiene product. Jorge’s
international travel diary may now in-
clude a section on commode design
Rumor has it that this photo is the trends. We are ever tankful for Jorge’s
new grandchild of John Boehm, Di- dry sense of humor :-)
rector of Operations at PHI Industries
in Murietta. Seems that this young- Also shown: Jorge and Nova with
ster is shown testing a new product Joe’s Team.
soon to be introduced to the market!

John is keeping this new product,
The TWEEL, (wheel shaped teething Spied recently looking very much at
ring) top secret in hopes of getting it home in the President ofce, while
out there ahead of the competition! the Presiden was out of town: Ja-
son Thomas, who appeared to have
Hailey Lewis’ New Toy! escaped his normal posting in China
where he already has the best job in
the company!

Hailey Lewis recently splurged on
a new Raymond counterbalanced
forklift to go with her red dress!

Hailey’s Forklift has 2 tongs (surprise)
which makes it much in demand in
the warehouse, so Hailey has gener-
ously volunteered to share it with
P&H every day or so.

Thanks, Hailey! You sure know how to
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