Page 233 - Times Change Promotional Merchandise 2023
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 The special sublimation dyes have a special   bitmap image format that was introduced   usually ship within 10-12 working days.
 quality that turns them from a solid state   by Compuserve in 1987 and has since come   Custom products and multi-colour imprints
 to a gas at a certain temperature without   into widespread usage on the World Wide   require longer production time.
 going through a liquid state. The dye can   Web due to its wide support and portability.   Proofs - A digital representation of artwork
 be absorbed into the material or product   GIF images are generally not well suited for   on a product. There are five main types of
 quality printing.
 coating. When cooling down the material   pre-production proof.
 seals the dye making the print extremely   High-res - The resolution (Res) of an image   Paper proof - A printed representation of
 wash-proof. The image is not on the surface,   indicates the number of dots per inch (dpi).   the colour, size and position of the design.
 but rather part of the surface.  High resolution is usually anywhere from 300
 dpi to 2,500 dpi.  PDF Proof  - A digital layout of the item
 Thermal Transfer - A technology that uses   showing the print / decorating position
 heat to deposit dye or resin onto a finished   JPEG or JPG (Joint Photographic Experts   and the print / decorating size to scale.
 product. It works by using heat and pressure   Group) - A commonly used method of lossy   Cromalin Proof / Wet Proof - Seldom seen
 to transfer the ink off the ribbon and onto the   compression for digital images, particularly
 substrate that it is in contact with.  for those images produced by digital   these days, a high quality photographic
 photography. The degree of compression   run-out of the print used as an accurate
 Trap - a slight overlapping area where two   can be adjusted, allowing a selectable trade-  colour guide.
 colours meet. Traps ensure that slight errors   off between storage size and image quality.
 with print registration do not show up as   JPEG typically achieves 10:1 compression   Digital Proof  - Digital photographs or
 computer generation of the product /
 white gaps on the printed product.  with little perceptible loss in image quality.  print.
 Lead Time - The amount of time required to   Full Proof - A physical printed / decorated
 produce and deliver an order, once an order   sample of the product itself.
 INDUSTRY AND    has been received and approved.
 Proof Approval - Proofs are sent for approval
 TECHNICAL TERMS  Less than Minimum - The fee charged by a   by the customer before an order goes into
 supplier for ordering 50% fewer items than   full production. Sometimes proofs can be
 the quantity listed in the minimum or first   done live on press at the start of a print run.
 Bitmap / Raster Graphics Files - The image   column. This option is not always available on   Register / Registration – Positioning of
 content is made up of pixels where the   all products.  elements in printing so the images will be
 pixels contain the information for position,   Line Art - Black and white artwork that does   located precisely.
 size, angular position and colour and can   not contain any halftone screens.
 be addressed individually. These formats are   Low-Res - The resolution of an image   Resolution - The quantity of pixels that can
 not recommended for promotional products   indicates the number of dots per inch (dpi).   fit into one inch determines the sharpness
 production. Graphics file formats which are   and quality of an image. For example, 72 dpi
 Bitmaps: PSD - Adobe Photoshop, EPS -   Low resolution is usually anywhere from 72   is low-res, 300 dpi high-res).
 dpi to 250 dpi.
 Encapsulated Postscript File, TIFF - Tagged   Reverse - A design or text appearing in
 Information File Format, BMP - Windows   Overs / Unders - The number of products   white or other light colour on a black or dark
 Bitmap.  that were printed in excess of the quantity   background. Sometimes called a knockout.
 specified / the production run of fewer
 Caliper - Thickness of paper or other   products than the amount specified. The   RGB (Red, Green, Blue) - When mixed
 substrate.  together these colours create white (light).
 industry standard on most products is + /
 Camera Ready - Artwork supplied that is of   -5%, with the exception being on paper and   (Example: televisions and computers display
 a high quality and ready to be printed.  plastic bags, which can be up to + / -10%.  colour in RGB.)
 Copy - Any words, sentences or paragraphs   Pantone Matching System (PMS) - The   Run-on  -  Extra  copies  above  the
 or other text to be printed.  industry standard colour scale used to   number of those originally requested.
 Crop - To trim or remove unwanted portions   precisely match colours for printing. Each   A run-on price is much cheaper per item
 since the printing set-up costs are part of the
 from an image.  colour has a specific unique coded number
 indicating instructions for mixing inks to   price of the print run ordered.
 Drop Shipment - An order shipped to more   achieve the desired colour.  Set-up Charge - A fee charged for the
 than one location will be charged a fee for   creation of screens, foil blocks, embroidery
 each additional destination.  Pre-production Sample - An actual physical
 sample of the product itself produced prior   tapes, die stamps or laser tools which applies
 DPI (Dots Per Inch) - A measurement of how   to production.  to most products.
 many (ink or print) dots can fit into one inch.   Spot Colour - Refers to a method of
 The higher the amount of dots the sharper   Photoshop  -  Industry-standard  image  specifying and printing colours in which
 the image will be. 300 DPI is generally   editing software made by Adobe.  each colour is printed with its own ink.
 classed as high resolution.  PNG (Portable Network Graphics) - Is a
 EPS (Encapsulated Postscript File) - A   raster graphics file format that supports   Typesetting - To lay out words, text and logos
 for printing.
 file format that transfers easily between   lossless data compression. PNG was created
 computer systems. Often used for high-  as an improved, non-patented replacement   Vector(ised) artwork - Artwork where the
 resolution images that will be added to   for Graphics Interchange Format (GIF), and   lines, shapes and colours that make up a
 another document.  is the most used lossless image compression   piece of artwork are stored within the file as
 format on the Internet.  mathematical formulae to ensure accurate
 File Format - Each different type of file   reproduction as the artwork is enlarged or
 has a format. A file format specifies how   PostScript - Is a language for printing,   reduced to fit a particular print area. They
 information is organized. (EPS is a standard   meaning it treats fonts, images and graphics   are more flexible than bitmapped images
 format supported by many programs).  as geometrical objects and stores it into one
 document.  because they can be resized / stretched and
 Font - The term used to describe a complete   placed over other images without a white
 typeset from a particular typeface style.   Premium - A product or service offered   block. (Example: an Illustrator EPS is a vector
 Examples of these include Helvetica, Times   free or at a reduced price if the recipient   image.)
 New Roman, Arial etc.  performs some task, such as purchasing   Web Page Graphics  - Graphic images
 an item, meeting a sales quota, etc. Usually
 FTP (File Transfer Protocol) - The process of   consumer-related.  designed for the web are not suitable for
 copying files between computers over the   use as artwork in promotional products or
 Internet. Fulfilment: The process of packaging   Production Time - The amount of time   paper print production. Web page graphics
 and shipping an order for a distributor.  needed to produce and ship an order, once   are typically created at 72 dpi. Check to see if
 an order has been received and approved.   high resolution versions are available.
 GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) - Is a   Stock products with a one-color imprint

                                  Unless stated, prices include one colour print in one position. Origination and artwork extra.
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