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START                           As an insurance

                                                                 the Conversation                    death is not an easy
                                                                                                     conversation, but
                                                                                                     one you can get
                                                                                                     comfortable having
                                                                                                     with some practice.

                    LET’S PLAY!                                                                                                         MARKET DIRECTORS

                                                                                     SALES COORDINATORS

                                                    AGENTS                          & DISTRICT MANAGERS                                        ONE SPIN               **

                                                                                       EARN $2.50                 *                        on the Game of Life Wheel

                                                                                                                                           for every 5 FLP (GAP, SPJ)
                                                        SELL                                  For each                                           your Agents sell

                                                                                         FLP (GAP, SPJ)
                                                  FLP (GAP, SPJ) )                      your Agents sell                                              WIN
                    WIN                             WIN $5           *                                                                     Game of Life Wheel Prizes

                    at the                                                                                                                  Which include: Combined
                Game of Life!                                                                                                              Insurance Swag, Dinner for
                                                                                                                                           Two, Movie Tickets & MORE!

                                                                                                                                     **All MD’s Spins must be recorded and
                                                                                                                                     submitted to Global Incentives within
                                                                                                                                     45 days of programs  nal results.

                                      - Dollar($) amounts will be awarded in the form of SuperCerti cate® REWARDS. SuperCerti cate® are easy to redeem from a list
                                      of national retailers and specialty services such as: Pottery Barn, Kohls, Mortons - The Steakhouse, Cabela’s and many more!
                                      For a full list of Merchant Partners visit: https://www.giftcerti
                                      - The prize amounts are based on submitted policies and will accumulate for each player over the course of the
                                      Game of Life Incentive Program (9/2-9/29) which will be paid out at the end of the qualifying period.
                     NO               - Sales Coordinators & District Managers: Earn $2.50 for every Life Product your Agents sell.
                  tax burden          - Market Directors: For every  ve (5) Life Products your Agents sell you get 1 (one) chance to spin the wheel and WIN!
                                      Legal Disclaimers: Agents must be Life licensed in the state where products are sold.
                                      New York may participate in prize earnings up to $250.
             Any payout of life
             insurance benefits after
             the policyholder’s death    If a family lost one income
             is tax-free.               due to death…
                                        What lifestyle changes would be       Knowing that a person’s family will
                                        required? Would the family have       be secure financially because life
                                        to move? Would the surviving          insurance is in place brings relief
                                        spouse be able to follow through      and peace of mind for everyone in
                                        with educational plans for their      the household.
                                        children? Would the surviving
                                        spouse have to work more to
                                        sustain financial security?
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