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“I’m not surprised to hear you
                                                       say that.  Many of my customers
                                                       have other life insurance.  But they
                   What you might say to               started this plan because it provides
                   people who have some                extra cash… when the family needs        Did you know...
                                                       it most.
                   Life Insurance…                     If you were to die tomorrow, your        Insurance through
                                                       family would need all the money         an employer
                                                       they could get, and then some.         may be limited,
                                                       Isn’t that true?”                     expensive and may
                                                                                            not be portable if an
                                                                                           employee leaves.



 EARN $2.50 *   on the Game of Life Wheel

                 for every 5 FLP (GAP, SPJ)
 SELL  For each        your Agents sell                                                     Why life insurance
                                                                                               is important?

 FLP (GAP, SPJ) )  your Agents sell   WIN
 WIN $5 *        Game of Life Wheel Prizes

                 Which include: Combined
                 Insurance Swag, Dinner for
                Two, Movie Tickets & MORE!

           **All MD’s Spins must be recorded and
           submitted to Global Incentives within
           45 days of programs  nal results.

 *NOTES:                                                                                  If someone has a spouse
 - Dollar($) amounts will be awarded in the form of SuperCerti cate® REWARDS. SuperCerti cate® are easy to redeem from a list   and children who depend
 of national retailers and specialty services such as: Pottery Barn, Kohls, Mortons - The Steakhouse, Cabela’s and many more!   on his or her income,
 For a full list of Merchant Partners visit: https://www.giftcerti  life insurance is the way
 - The prize amounts are based on submitted policies and will accumulate for each player over the course of the   to insure that the family
 Game of Life Incentive Program (9/2-9/29) which will be paid out at the end of the qualifying period.  is provided for if the
 - Sales Coordinators & District Managers: Earn $2.50 for every Life Product your Agents sell.   customer dies.
 - Market Directors: For every  ve (5) Life Products your Agents sell you get 1 (one) chance to spin the wheel and WIN!
 Legal Disclaimers: Agents must be Life licensed in the state where products are sold.
 New York may participate in prize earnings up to $250.

                                  Not all student loan debt is
     Peace of mind                discharged upon the borrower’s                     Student loan debt
                                  death. The co-signer may be
                                  responsible for paying off the
                                  remainder of the loan. In the case
                                  of private student loans, next of kin
                                  could be stuck with the bill, even if
                                  the individual was not a co-signer.
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