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Standard Sales Incentive Program Rules
1. Combined Insurance Sales Agents, Account Executives, 12. All sales are subject to verification
Sales Coordinators, District Managers, Market Directors, Special Notes: APV to determine program winners:
and Regional Directors are eligible to participate in Winners’ APV will be determined based on submitted
Combined Insurance Sales Incentive Programs. At its or issued APV received and processed at the Combined
discretion, Combined Insurance reserves the right to Insurance Processing Center (as indicated in the
change the structure of the Sales organization, at any time Qualification Rules for the program). The most current
for any reason. Combined Insurance sales employees must APV data file at the end of the program will be used to
be in Good Standing and not currently on a determine winners (this may take up to 2 weeks to finalize).
Leave of Absence. 13. All winner’s and/or Spouse or Significant Other’s expenses
2. Combined Insurance reserves the right to disqualify an for the awards, prizes and/or trips are reported to the IRS
individual if achievements and/or performance fail to for tax purposes. The winner is responsible for the Spouse
meet the Incentive Program Rules; the Company’s Code of or Significant Others expense tax liability.
Conduct and/or was not done in the spirit of the program.
3. Only Sales Agents, Account Executives, Sales Coordinators,
District Managers and Market Directors with a current
Issue Rate of 85% or higher, a Second Month Persistency Travel Program Rules
Rate of 85% or higher, and a 7 Month Persistency of 65%
or higher can qualify for awards, prizes and/or trips. The 1. Prepaid Cards, Gift Cards and other prizes offered for this
most current Issuance and Quality Reports at the end of program can only be redeemed during the pay-off trip.
the program will be used to determined Issue Rating and 2. The trip is for the winner plus Spouse or Significant Other,
Persistency Rates. (Age 21 and older) staying in one double occupancy room.
Note: 13 Month Persistency will also be measured for 3. The trip is non-transferable.
irregularities leading to potential disqualification. 4. No deviations allowed from trip dates, i.e. roundtrip travel
4. Combined Worksite Solutions Annualized Premium will arrangements will be based on the actual program dates
only count for 50% towards the qualification for the earned.
Program. 5. The trip must be taken on the dates published. The trip
5. Combined Insurance Sales employees who voluntarily cannot be exchanged or redeemed for cash.
or involuntarily leave the company during or after a 6. Travel must originate from within the United States, Alaska,
program forfeit their rights to any awards, prizes and/or Hawaii, Puerto Rico & its US Territories.
trips they had not yet received upon the last day of their
employment. 7. Roundtrip Ground transportation arranged by the
6. Combined Insurance, at its discretion, retains the right to Company must be used by all winners and their Spouse or
Significant Other.
change, modify and/or delete program(s) rules, employee
eligibility, and/or terminate the program(s) at any time for 8. It is the responsibility of the attendees to acquire all legal
any reason. documents necessary to travel to a specific destination.
7. Combined Insurance, at its discretion, retains the right Combined Insurance is not responsible for any incidental
costs incurred by the attendees. This is including (but not
at any time to substitute an award for one of similar or limited to); Passports, Visas, Supplemental Travel/Health
equal value. Insurance, etc.
8. The date of the check for new policies paid by check must 9. Any fees or added expenses incurred due to changes in
conform to the application date. flight itinerary and/or seat selection made by the winner or
9. Medicare Supplement APV will only count for 50% towards a Spouse or Significant Other are the responsibility of the
the qualification for this program. attendee.
10. Sales to the immediate family members during programs 10. Travel Code of Conduct: All attendees are expected
will not be counted towards awards, prizes and/or trips. to conduct themselves with the highest standards of
Immediate family is defined as someone’s spouse, parent professionalism consistent with protecting the company’s
and grandparents, children and grandchildren, brothers good name and reputation. Failure to conduct themselves
and sisters, mother-in-law and father-in-law, brothers-in- appropriately may lead to immediate dismissal from the
law and sisters-in-law, daughters-in law and sons-in-law. incentive trip, and employees may be subject to further
Adopted, half and step members are also included in disciplinary action depending on the circumstances and at
immediate family. the sole discretion of the Company.
11. Program and contest rules have been modified to comply 11. Attendance at all Combined Insurance sponsored events is
with the state of New York requirements. As part of this mandatory.
change, the APV from the sale of life insurance policies 12. All winner’s and Spouse or Significant Other’s expenses
will not be counted towards incentive programs and for the trip are reported to the IRS for tax purposes. The
contest awards for Sales Agents, Account Executives, Sales winner is responsible for the Spouse or Significant Other’s
Coordinators, District Managers, Market Directors, and expense tax liability.
Regional Directors in the state of New York.