Page 7 - WS_2019AnnlPrgrm_Agent_AE,SL,AM
P. 7

2019                                                        Account Executives

          PREMIER                                            NUMBER OF WINNERS IS UNLIMITED!
          Performance Program                           A minimum of $150,000 in
                                                        Processed Premiun for New
          EXTRA NIGHT: APRIL 1 - 5, 2020                Accounts for the Year; a
          STANDARD PROGRAM: APRIL 2 - 5, 2020           minimum of 10 cases required
                                                        OR                          STANDARD TRIP PACKAGE

                                                        A minimum of $200,000 in
                                                        Processed Premiun for
                                                        New/Re-Serviced Accounts
                                                        for the Year; A minimum of
                                                        10 cases required

                                                       A minimum of $175,000 in
                                                       Processed Premiun for New
                                                       Accounts for the Year; a
                                                       minimum of 10 cases required
                                                                                    STANDARD TRIP PACKAGE
                                                        OR                          PLUS 1 ADDITIONAL NIGHT
                                                       A minimum of $250,000 in
                                                       Processed Premiun for
                                                       New/Re-Serviced Accounts
                                                       for the Year; a minimum of
                                                       10 cases required

                       Sales Leaders                                          Area Managers

               SALES LEADERS RANKED IN                                 SALES LEADERS RANKED IN
                SPOTS 4 - 6 IN THE NATION                               SPOTS 4 - 5 IN THE NATION

                 PRODUCE                     WIN                         PRODUCE                    WIN
          $350,000 in Team Processed                              $600,000 in Team
          Premium for New/                                        Processed Premium for       STANDARD TRIP
          Re-Serviced Accounts                                    New/Re-Serviced Accounts        PACKAGE
          for the Year (Includes                                  for the Year                      PLUS
          Personal Production)        STANDARD TRIP                                            1 ADDITIONAL
                                          PACKAGE                                                  NIGHT
          OR                                PLUS                  OR
                                        1 ADDITIONAL
          $400,000 in Team                  NIGHT                                             STANDARD TRIP
          Processed Premium for                                   $750,000 in Team                PACKAGE
          New/Re-Serviced Accounts                                Processed Premium for            PLUS 1
          for the Year (Includes                                  New/Re-Serviced Accounts      ADDITIONAL
          Personal Production)                                    for the Year                     NIGHT

                                                                          H NOTE H
                                            Each Combined Sales employee is only eligible to win one incentive trip in this Program
                                                   (either Executive or Premier) based upon the Program requirements.
                                                Sales employees may only take the trip earned; no exchanges will be allowed.

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