Page 8 - WS_2019AnnlPrgrm_Agent_AE,SL,AM
P. 8
Standard Sales Incentive Program Rules
1. Sales Incentive Programs (each called “Program”) b. Only the annualized premium represented by
are each developed for employees of Combined the applications received and processed each
Worksite Solutions who are sales representatives week by the Combined Insurance service center
or sales management and who each may be will be counted for each week’s annualized
eligible to participate based on each individual premium amount.
Program rules.
8. Program and contest rules may be modified for
2. Sales employees must have a Cancellation the state of New York. As part of this change,
Rate below 15% to be eligible to receive an the Annualized Premium from the sale of life
award or prize. The three most recent monthly insurance policies underwritten by Combined
Cancellation Reports available from the end Life Insurance Company of New York will not
of a Program will be used to determine the be counted towards incentive programs and
Cancellation Rate of each Program participant. contest awards for Combined Worksite Solutions
For any annual Program (one that runs for 12 sales representatives and sales management in
months), the average Cancellation Rate for the the state of New York.
duration of the Program may also be taken 9. Sales or sales related activities may be subject to
into consideration. verification.
3. Combined Worksite Solutions reserves the right
to disqualify an individual if achievements and/or
performance fails: to meet these Standard Rules
or any rules specific to an individual Program; Travel Program Rules
to adhere to the company’s Ethical Standards or 1. Cash and other prizes offered for this program
Code of Conduct; and/or were not done in the can only be redeemed during the pay-off trip.
spirit of the Program.
2. The trip is for the winner plus Spouse or
4. Combined Worksite Solutions employees who Immediate Family, (Age 21 and older) staying
voluntarily or involuntarily leave the company in one double occupancy room.
during or after a program forfeit their rights to
any awards or prizes they had not yet received 3. The guest cannot be part of the Combined
upon their last day of employment. Insurance Sales Team (unless a spouse or
immediate family).
5. Combined Worksite Solutions, at any time at
its discretion, may change, modify, terminate or 4. The trip is non-transferable.
otherwise delete any Program or any of the rules 5. No deviations allowed from trip dates.
or eligibility requirements thereof.
6. All guests’ expenses are reported to the IRS for
6. Combined Worksite Solutions, at its discretion, tax purposes.
retains the right at any time to substitute a prize 7. The trip must be taken on the dates published.
or award for one of similar or equal value.
The trip cannot be exchanged or redeemed for
7. For Programs in which winning is based upon cash.
insurance product sales—
8. Any fees or added expenses incurred due
a. Only premium from products underwritten by to changes in flight itinerary made by the
Combined Insurance Company, Combined Life winner or a guest are the responsibility of the
Insurance Company of New York, or approved attendee.
products from a Chubb affiliated companies,
may be counted toward premium goals or
benchmarks of a Program.