Page 21 - UK Standard Products Catalogue 2018_23.10.18
P. 21
Tubular Column Production Line Galvanizing
The manufacturing of Valmont Stainton tubular columns Once the manufacturing processes are completed, the
begins with the cutting of the chosen tube to the correct columns are packed and made ready for galvanizing.
length for the base of the column. The tube is then thoroughly
de-burred at the point of the cut ensuring no sharp edges Galvanizing is the process of applying a protective zinc
are left on the tube. coating to steel. This coating reduces the likelihood of rust
and greatly extends the life of the material. Valmont Stainton’s
steel products are hot-dip galvanised to ensure an even
coating on both external and internal surfaces of the product.
We then need to shape the base at the cutting point to After galvanising, the columns are inspected.
receive the shaft. This is done by applying pressure to the
base with dies. These dies control the shape of the base, They are straightened manually by qualified operators
we can choose different dies to accommodate a wide range capable of evaluating the straightness of the products. This
of shaft diameters. is necessary to correct any distortion that may occur due to
the heat of the galvanising process.
After the shaping of the base we then need to put the door
and the cable slot in the desired place. This is done by The drilling and tapping of holes at the top of the columns
an automated plasma burner that can be programmed to is performed.
whatever shape and size of our choosing.
Doors are assembled and fitted, along with the accessories
of the base compartment (backboards,earth screws, etc.).
Any specific operations seen to be necessary are performed,
followed by the final inspection of the product before sending
to the client, putting in storage or sending for wet painting or
powder coating.
Once the door and cable slot have been cut out the base
can then be sent to final assembly where the shaft can be
fitted. The shaft can be shaped in the same manner as the
base to receive all sorts of different bracket fittings.
During assembly the back plates are welded into the base
compartment ready to receive the base board. Any other
internal fittings are welded into the base at this stage.