Page 6 - Module 15 - Trending or Trading
P. 6
Module 15 – Trending or Trading
4. Day Trading and Anticipating Trending Days
Trending Days are primarily the result of fundamental announcements. Something was released that
spooked the market. The market took off and never came back. A trending day is exactly what it says.
The prices will either trend upward for the day or downward for the day. Trending days are volume
driven days. They have above average to high volume every hour and can increase hourly. On these
days you can expect prices to blowout highs and lows. In comparison to a Ranging Day, Trending
days is identifiable as:
▪ Days which contain Fundamental announcements,
▪ Trading will be aggressive,
▪ Market movement during the session will create large trading ranges between 120 – 300 pips
▪ Market will create an uptrend or a downtrend.
▪ The trading session prices - the majority of the time - will not return to the opening price of the