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continued...                              Act (Agoa), US Trade Representative              NEWS
                                          Michael Froman said on Wednesday.
them supply cyclists with protective                                               sector, leading short-term insurer
gear that makes them less vulnerable      The announcement puts an end to a        Santam has donated R2 million to help
to injury and even death. Speaking        longrunning dispute that came to a       alleviate the financial hardship faced by
about the partnership, Caro Smit,         head in November when US President       both commercial and emerging
founder and Director of SADD said, "A     Barack Obama gave SA 90 days to          farmers.
considerable percentage of road           open its market to US chicken, beef
deaths and injuries are those of          and pork or lose duty-free access to     In an announcement at Agri South
cyclists, many of whom are                the US market for its own agricultural   Africa's 2016 Commodities Congress,
impoverished and are forced to            products.                                Santam Head of Agriculture, Gerhard
commute by bicycle to work through                                                 Diedericks said the donation would be
heavy traffic. So we really hope this       The poultry dispute dates back to 2000   made to the National Drought Disaster
continued partnership will help           when SA imposed prohibitive              Relief Fund managed by Agri SA. The
highlight the need of support for         antidumping duties on US chicken         contribution will benefit not only
vulnerable cyclists in order to prevent   parts. That was partially resolved last  members of South Africa's four Agri
an increase in cycle-related deaths and   June when SA agreed to give US           industry bodies, but will include
injuries."                                exporters an annual 65,000 ton quota     emerging farmers not belonging to any
                                          at normal duty rates. The two sides      organisation. Those that are most in
Alcohol Breathalysers continues, as is    then deadlocked over health-related      need of assistance will be prioritised.
their commitment, to engage relevant      barriers, not only to US poultry, but
stakeholders on road safety, knowing      also beef and pork.                      “ The persistent drought
and advocating for responsible road       The resolution could be worth $160m
use by all: pedestrians, cyclists and     annually to US exporters, Froman said.   continues to have a knock-on
drivers. Pre- and post-Cape Town          After missing Obama's deadline, SA       effect on the local economy
Cycle Tour, Alcohol Breathalysers and     reached final agreement with the US in    and threatens the long-term
SADD will diseminnate information and     early January. Obama then gave SA        food security of our country...
engage various stakeholders on road       until March 15 to meet one last
safety and related issues.                benchmark: the physical availability of  Farmers and communities dependent
                                          US chicken for sale to SA consumers.     on the agricultural sector for their
ABOUT ALCOHOL BREATHALYSERS:                                                       livelihoods are bearing the brunt of this
Alcohol Breathalysers is a leading        On Tuesday, senator Chris Coons, the     crisis. For Santam, lending support to
distributor in the Health & Safety        Delaware Democrat who, with Georgia      both individual farmers and farming
industry supplying the widest range of    Republican senator Johnny Isakson        groups is simply the right thing to do,”
breathalysers/ alcohol testers in South   championed the US poultryindustry in     Diedericks said.
Africa and beyond. The range of           the dispute, distributed photographs
alcohol testing equipment includes        showing bags of US chicken parts for     He added Santam would continue to
high-volume breathalyser solutions for    sale in a South African market. Before   assist the farming community in
industrial environments, Law-             Froman could make his                    managing the risks endangering the
Enforcement alcohol testers, Industrial   announcement, last-minute                sustainability of agricultural resources.
Handheld breathalysers, custom-           uncertainties had to be resolved over    “As the oldest insurer in the sector,
packed disposable breathalysers and       the treatment of US pork shipments       with over 85 years of extensive
the supply of personal breathalysers for  once they landed in SA. These had        experience in dealing with the highs
consumers and drivers. For more           been worked out "within the past 24      and lows of agriculture, we understand
information, please visit                 hours", the trade representative said.   the role farmers play in ensuring the and                                                        stability of food security.                      Obama has still to issue a formal
                                          proclamation announcing that SA has      “Santam will continue to work with
CHICKEN IMPORTS END AGOA                  satisfied Agoa conditions, but Froman     industry partners, brokers and
IMPASSE                                   indicated that was now a formality. His  organisations within the agricultural
                                          office would, however, continue to         sector to meet the challenges that lie
With the arrival of US frozen chicken     monitor SA's compliance with the         ahead. Collectively we need to do
portions in South African stores at the   requirements of the act, which is not a  much more to assist our struggling
weekend, Pretoria satisfied conditions     trade agreement but a unilateral grant   farming communities, and we urge our
for retaining UStrade privileges under    of US market access to qualifying        counterparts to show their support and
the African Growth and Opportunity        countries.                               contribute to this critical cause,”
                                                                                   Diedericks concluded.
                                          SANTAM REACHES OUT TO
                                          DROUGHT VICTIMS                                                                23

                                          South Africans from all walks of life
                                          have stepped forward in recent
                                          months to assist farmers impacted by
                                          the prolonged drought affecting large
                                          parts of our country, with initiatives
                                          ranging from water collection to the
                                          supply of feed to hard-hit areas. In a
                                          bid to boost the embattled agricultural

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