Page 27 - Mega Interact 0001
P. 27

Towards hope, confidence,

     and a better future for all

“ Crises are useful. They force              principles in the National Development      effective implementation thereof by
    you to face reality and become           Plan (NDP) and indicated that the Budget    government departments and provincial
                                             is guided by the NDP. He further            and municipal authorities over the next
    more creative in finding                 indicated that we cannot, as a principle,   year or more. That, together with
                                             spend money we don't have, and that the     creating policy certainty, will need to
    solutions. This national crisis          budget deficit will be reduced to 2.4% by    build trust and investor confidence that
                                             2018/19 and that net national debt will be  are the necessary precursors for
    should not be wasted, and                stabilised at 46.2% of GDP by 2017/18.      significant investment into and growth of
                                                                                         the economy.”
    through collaboration and                Agbiz welcomes these targets as
                                             servicing our debt has been the fastest     Wessel Lemmer, Senior Agricultural
    shared commitment, I'm                   growing expenditure item on our budget      Economist at Absa
                                             and needs to be brought down and
    confident we can work through            controlled better.                          Sin tax: “It should have a limited effect on
                                                                                         exports. It will have an impact on
    our current challenges to find           Agbiz also welcomes the announcement        consumption and demand in South
                                             that measures are in progress to            Africa, especially for lower income
    SA's enormous potential once             strengthen agriculture and agro-            consumers…”
                                             processing, although these agriculture
”more.                                       measures appear to be primarily directed    Fuel tax: “There will be little impact on
                                             at smallholder farmers only.                primary agriculture e.g. maize and wheat
    - Minister Pravin Gordhan -                                                          producers etc. … There will also be little
                                             The minister made reference to the          impact on commodities.
  The 2016 Budget was widely mooted as       drought and its impact on a number of       The benefits of lower crude oil prices will
  the most difficult budget in recent times.   occasions, indicating that resources had    not be felt by the consumer as a result of
  Minister Gordhan produced a budget         already been reallocated to provide relief  the 30c increase in fuel levy.”
  which attempts to address various          in the current financial year, and that
  divergent agendas. These include           additional drought response allocations     Food exports: “South Africa is a net
  measures to alleviate poverty and          will be made, as required, in the           agricultural commodity and food
  unemployment, address the imbalances       Adjustments Appropriation later this year.  exporter. If the rand stays strong, export
  in education, social security, retirement  It is unclear if any envisaged drought      prices may be subdued marginally.
  and health provision and improve           relief and drought recovery funding will    Overall the impact on staying above sub
  infrastructure, while at the same time     benefit the commercial sector in any way     investment grade should have more of a
  introducing measures to grow the           at all,” Dr Purchase said.                  positive impact on the rand strength,
  economy and to tighten South Africa's                                                  imported inflation as well as interest rate
  fiscal belt to avoid a rating downgrade.    Significant increases in capital gains tax,  levels… This will culminate in lower
                                             the introduction of a tax on sugar-         inflation/food inflation.”
  The funding of these agendas is            sweetened beverages, above inflation
  challenging in the economic                increases in duties on alcoholic            Minister Gordhan called on all South
  environment that South Africa currently    beverages and tobacco products, and an      Africans to assist in meeting the financial
  faces. Minister Gordhan indicated that     increase of 30c per litre in the general    challenges South Africa faces and aptly
  R15 billion per year has been included as  fuel levy, are generally not good news for  ended his speech with the wise words of
  budget revenue from tax proposals in the   the agriculture and agribusiness sectors.   Nelson Mandela : “I am fundamentally an
  2017/2018 and 2018/2019 budgets.                                                       optimist … keeping one's head pointed
  Options to raise this revenue include      Key to the success of the indicated new     toward the sun, one's feet moving
  increasing marginal personal income tax    direction in the 2016 Budget, will lie the  forward …”
  rates, introducing a new personal income
  tax bracket, raising

  Dr John Purchase, CEO of Agbiz.

  “Gordhan emphasised several broad

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