Page 29 - Mega Interact 0001
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        How it affects you

PERSONAL INCOME TAX                       CAPITAL GAINS TAX (CGT)                    treated as donations. We are awaiting
                                                                                     clarification on this.
From 1 March 2016, Government will        The inclusion rate for CGT for
provide some tax relief for lower to      individuals has increased by 6.7% (from    OFFSHORE SPECIAL VOLUNTARY
middle income earners, compensating       33.3% to 40%). What does this mean?        DISCLOSURE PROGRAMME
for inflation.                             Formerly, if you made a capital gain of    If you have undeclared offshore assets
                                          R100,000 (by selling shares, for           and income, Government has offered a
TAX THRESHOLD                             example), you would have paid CGT on       Special Voluntary Disclosure
                                          R33,333. Now, you will pay CGT on          Programme from October 2016 to end
This refers to the amount of income       R40,000.                                   March 2017 to regularise your affairs in
you earn before you need to pay tax.      The maximum effective CGT amounts           exchange for income tax and exchange
The new thresholds are as follows:        have been adjusted:                        control relief. Only companies and
• under age 65 - R75,000;                 • Individuals and special trusts:          individuals — and not trusts — qualify.
• between 65 and 75 - R116,150;
• 75 or older - R129,850.                       16.4% (inclusion rate of 40%)        CHANGES TO TRANSFER DUTY
                                          • Companies: 22.4% (inclusion rate
          $                                                                          Transfer duty on properties valued in
                                                of 80%).                             excess of R10 million will increase from
          INTEREST                        The CGT exemption thresholds are as        11% to 13% for properties acquired after
        EXEMPTION                         follows:                                   1 March 2016, and this will yield an
                                          • The annual exclusion increased to        additional R100 million for the fiscus.
The interest exemption amounts
remain the same. If you are between             R40,000                              AND THAT BOTTLE OF RUM …
the ages of 65 and 75, you can earn a     • The exclusion amount on death
yearly income of R116,150 plus                                                           X
R34,500 interest, before you have to            stays at R300,000
pay tax. If you are 75 or older, you can  • The primary residence exclusion          If you drink or smoke, you will pay
earn an annual income of R129,850                                                    between 6% and 8.5% more. You can
plus R34,500 interest before you have           remains at R2 million.               expect to pay tax on your favourite
to pay tax.                                                                          sugar-sweetened beverages from 1
                                          ADJUSTMENTS TO MEDICAL                     April 2017.
CHANGES TO RETIREMENT FUND                AID TAX CREDITS                            The general fuel levy goes up by 30
CONTRIBUTION DEDUCTIONS                                                              cents a litre on 6 April 2016.
                                          Medical tax credits have been adjusted     A new tyre levy of R2.30/kg will take
For the first time, Retirement Fund        for inflation as follows:                   effect from 1 October 2016.
contribution deductions have been                                                    Taxes on incandescent globes, plastic
standardised across all types of          • R286 p/m for the main member             bags and motor vehicle emissions are
Retirement Funds. A significant benefit           and the first dependant               increased.
for those earning up to R1,27 million a
year is that they can deduct up to        • R192 per month for each                                                       29
R350,000 on their Retirement Fund               additional dependant.
contributions. The deduction is,
however, capped at R350,000               ESTATE DUTY

Provident Fund members will still be      Estate Duty tax remains unchanged at
allowed to access their full Retirement   20%.
Fund benefit in cash when they retire.
The Retirement Reform proposal has        TRUSTS
been put on hold for the next two
years.                                    Treasury is proposing that assets
                                          transferred through a loan to a trust are
                                          to be included in the estate of the
                                          founder of the trust at death and
                                          interest-free loans to trusts are to be

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