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NEWS                                   studying in viticulture and oenology.       Mojapelo notes that Absa remains
                                           Contact Unathi on 021 276 0455 or           committed to playing its role as a
VINPRO FOUNDATION                 fro more                responsible corporate citizen in
CELEBRATES GRADUATES                       information.                                assisting communities in times of such
                                                                                       crises, meeting some of the country's
VinPro Foundation bursary students         The VinPro Foundation is a non-profit        socio-economic challenges and
during the graduation function, front:     organisation established by the South       achieving shared growth.
Kunjulwa Zililo and Maryke Botha.          African wine industry organisation
Back: Banele Vakele, Sharon February       VinPro in 2013, which focuses on three      For further information, please
(chairperson of the VinPro                 critical development areas in the           contact: Bheki Mpofu Absa Group
Foundation), Louise Clausen and            industry, namely training, ethical trade    Media Relations
Unathi Mantshongo (VinPro).                and socio-economic upliftment.              Tel: 011 – 350 – 8462
                                                                                       Cell: 060 991 6039
The VinPro Foundation recently             MEDIA ENQUIRIES: Lee-Anne                   Email:
commended three of its bursary             Davidson, tel 021 276 0460, e-mail
holders in cellar technology, viticulture                        SOUTH AFRICA'S DISTELL
and oenology for graduating at the                                                     CROWNED WORLD'S BEST
end of 2015.                               ABSA CONTRIBUTES R1-MILLION                 DISTILLER IN LONDON AND WINS
                                           TOWARDS AGRISA DROUGHT                      BIG IN NEW YORK
The informal gathering in Paarl            RELIEF EFFORTS
included a tasting of the students' own                                                Distell has been judged the
wines. “This was a proud moment for        Absa, a member of Barclays Africa, has      International Wine & Spirit
all!” said Sharon February, chairperson    donated R1-million towards AgriSA's         Competition's (IWSC) Distiller of the
of the VinPro Foundation.                  efforts to assist drought-stricken           Year for 2015. The prestigious industry
                                           farmers and the communities that            title for top quality was announced to
A total of six students were afforded       depend on farming around the                an international audience of some of
bursaries from the VinPro Foundation       country.                                    the world's foremost spirits producers
to further their studies in the wine                                                   and spirits specialists at a gala dinner
industry.                                  Sazini Mojapelo, Head of Citizenship at     in London November last year.
                                           Barclays Africa, says: “As a leading
Banele Vakele and Khunjulwa Zililo         corporate citizen and financial services     This is the second time the
completed the B Agric Cellar               provider in South Africa and the            Stellenbosch-based Distell has
Technology degree at Elsenburg and         agricultural sector in particular, Absa is  triumphed against famous-name
Louise Clausen obtained her National       concerned about the impact of the           whisky, whiskey and cognac producers
Diploma in Agriculture – Viticulture       current drought as well as the threat it    across Europe, North America and
and Oenology at CPUT. The remaining        poses to food security.”                    Asia. The previous time was in 2007.
three students who are currently
taking on the last stretch of their        “This is why the bank has decided to        What clinched it this year, were two
studies in BSc Viticulture and             extend financial support to AgriSA-led       category trophies, five gold
Oenology at Stellenbosch University        relief efforts, aimed at assisting           outstanding and 11 gold medals. The
are Micayla Fivaz, Maryke Botha and        distressed farmers and the                  company took the Best Worldwide
Johannes Opperman.                         communities that depend on farming.         Brandy trophy for the Van Ryn's 12
                                                                                       Year Old potstill made using the
“The purpose of the graduation             “ We believe that Absa's                    traditional technique of Cognac, while
function was to build relationships                                                    the Best Worldwide Whisky trophy was
with the students as future role players   contribution, together with                 awarded to the Three Ships Single Malt
in the wine industry,” said Unathi         those made by other                         10 Year Old.
Mantshongo, VinPro's transformation        concerned citizens and
and development officer. “We are             organisations, will assist in               The coup comes hot on the heels of
constantly looking for new ideas from      alleviating the severe effects              three significant wins at the New York
young people on how to attract the                                                     International Spirits Competition,
youth in the agricultural sector and       ”of the drought.                            where the company's Van Ryn's
this served as a good starting point.”                                                 Distillery was crowned Brandy
                                           If local farms fail to produce enough       Producer of the Year, and the James
Bursary opportunities are currently        food for the country, more food             Sedgwick Distillery, the Best
available to deserving candidates          products will have to be imported,          International Whisky Distillery of the
                                           increasing the prices of food that
20                                         consumers have to pay. For this
                                           reason, the government and several
                                           businesses have contributed funds to
                                           disaster relief efforts.

                                           Absa's donation to AgriSA is part of a
                                           multipronged approach to assist
                                           drought-stricken communities. Absa
                                           has also supported its own staff
                                           members in accessing water in water-
                                           short communities.

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