Page 17 - Mega Interact 0001
P. 17
# 01
SA's population is the 27th largest in the world
(there are 230 countries, only 80 have a
population in excess of 10 million).
# 02
The current police to population ratio is
approximately 1:308. This ranks South Africa
as the 9th best globally.
# 03
There are 195,000 in the employ of SA Police.
There are 411,000 in the employ of private
security companies. TOTAL 606,000.
Divide by 53,000,000.
Conclusion: for every 90 citizens there is
someone looking after some or other aspect of
safety and security. Or put differently 1250
security 'officials' per 100,000 citizens! (Business Day)
# 04
In terms of total crimes recorded
SA ranked 10th, USA 8th and the UK 6th.
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