Page 14 - Mega Interact 0001
P. 14



Cheese is an ancient food     Cheese is usually grouped       • Cheeses contain living        aromas to develop.
that's believed to have       into four broad categories:       organisms that must not     • Round cheeses like brie
been around for as long as    hard/semi hard, soft, fresh       be cut off from air, yet it
10,000 years. Apparently it   and mould ripened.                is important not to let a     and camembert should
was first discovered by                                          cheese dry out.               be sliced in wedges.
shepherds carrying milk in    Hard cheese like                                              • Cheese bought in blocks
goatskin containers: as       parmesan is matured for a       Serving cheese                  should be cut
they moved around with        long time in large wheels,      • When serving a cheese         lengthwise.
their flocks, the milk was     while soft cheese like                                        • On a cheese platter,
subjected to heat and         mascarpone is less aged           platter, remove cheeses       offer at least one good
churning, creating            and formed in smaller             from fridge at least two      cheese in a generous
something a kin to cheese.    rounds. Fresh cheese, like        hours before serving, to      portion, like an entire
                              cottage cheese, isn't             allow their flavours and       round of brie.
It's a nice story but hardly  matured.
scientific, although it does   Brie is a mould-ripened
make sense that, once         cheese – these are
people realised they could    washed with a culture that
obtain (and drink) the milk   promotes mould, in order
of cows, goats, sheep and     to form an external rind.
camels, they would have
realised that curdled milk    Storing cheese
was also safe (if somewhat    • Keep fresh cheese
                                refrigerated in its original
In any case, the discovery      container and eat as
of cheese gave rise to an       soon as possible.
almost entirely new food      • Normal plastic wrap
type – one that could last      doesn't allow cheese to
longer if well matured.         breathe. Rewrap cheese
                                in wax paper or cover
South Africa has recently       with a crumpled paper
seen an explosion of            towel and seal it in a
interest in cheese, from        plastic container.
consumers and cheese            Resealable ziplock bags
makers alike. And with a        also work.
growing list of               • Avoid storing cheese
international awards, it        uncovered near strong-
seems that the locally          smelling foods like
made products just keep         onions or garlic, as it will
on getting better!              become tainted with
                                their aromas.
What is cheese?               • Unpasteurised cheese
                                with a range of flavours
There are hundreds of           should not be sliced until
types of cheese available,      purchase otherwise it
differentiated by milk           will start to lose its
used, geographic origin,        subtlety and aroma.
texture, processing, ageing   • Wrap blue cheeses all
and flavour.                     over as mould spores
                                spread readily not only
14                              to other cheeses but
                                also to everything near.
                              • Chilled cheeses should
                                be taken out of the
                                refrigerator one and a
                                half or two hours before

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