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SACBW WP Businesswoman 2015

        Now Fairpros (RSA) manager

   Cerita Nagy, President South African Council for Businesswomen (SACBW)                  than 100 world's leading trade fairs and
congratulates Teresa Labuschagne on being a finalist in the national competition:          conferences in Germany and abroad.
                                                                                           The trade fairs cover all sectors such as
                                 Businesswomen of the year 2015.                           agriculture, food production and
                                                                                           processing, packaging, wood/stone and
When an esteemed international                Her motto is to always remember the          metal processing, medical industry,
company like Fairpros decides to              human when dealing with people. It           tourism and technology related
appoint a country manager in South            could be your employee, business             industries.
Africa, the best of the best stand in line    partner or client - every part of
to be considered. For those knowing           business boils down to people. By            Fairpros headquarters are situated in
Teresa Labuschagne her appointment in         understanding the human element,             Mauritius with further offices situated in
this much sought after position came as       you'll be more profitable, lead more          Germany, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria,
no surprise.                                  effectively, create brand loyalty, close      Senegal, South Africa, the Democratic
                                              more deals and ultimately be more            Republic of Congo and Zimbabwe to
Her agility and ability to think on her feet  successful.                                  serve the growing African market.
are traits differentiating this exceptional
business woman from the norm. In              Fairpros is a business-to-business           They offer their clients a diverse
2015 Teresa won the coveted Western           services company, offering their clients      portfolio of services aimed at a trouble-
Cape Businesswomen of Year Award              a diverse portfolio of services tailored to  free and successful trade fair
and was a finalist for the national            fit over 100 different trade fairs and         participation. This includes individual
competition. Over the years, some             exhibitions, many of which are the           consulting, training, market information,
exceptional business women have been          worlds leading industry meetings. As the     visa assistance, stand construction,
nominated for this award - women in           manager in South Africa, Teresa is           organizing of national pavilions, visitor
the marketplace and workplace who             looking forward to ensure hassle free        and exhibitor tickets, insurance, press
have made their mark, inspiring and           and successful trade fair participation for  conferences, cost calculation, assistance
empowering those around them to               all Fairpros customers from South Africa.    before during and after the trade fair.
develop their potential and reach their
goals.                                        Fairpros activities in trade promotion on    In line with Teresa's values, for Fairpros
                                              the African continent started in Harare,     their customers are also number one.
Teresa believes that as a next generation     Zimbabwe in 1982. Since then Fairpros        They are committed and proud to serve
leader one must be able to handle any         has established a key position in            their customers and partners in a
curveball life throws at you and respond      providing B2B services to private            professional and timely manner and
with actions that are focused, fast and       companies and government institutions        provide them consistently with high
flexible. One must be able to drive            in Sub Saharan Africa.                       quality service. They always aim to
performance all the time. She draws                                                        satisfy their customer's expectations,
inspiration from like-minded Santie           Today Fairpros African network spans         making the presence of their customers
Botha, Chancellor Nelson Mandela              over 33 countries. It comprises the          at trade fairs as successful and
Metropolitan University and 2010              official representation of five leading         productive as possible. Continuity and
Businesswoman of the Year.                    German trade fair companies with more        confidence are of utmost importance
                                                                                           for the company and they strive to
                                                                  | mega interact |        become their customer's long term
                                                                                           business partner with a definite hand in
                                                                                           their successes.

                                                                                           For the trade fair visitor Fairpros offers a
                                                                                           full range of services to make visits as
                                                                                           hassle-free as possible. They will make
                                                                                           sure that travel documents , invitation
                                                                                           letters, visas and travelers health
                                                                                           insurance meet the necessary
                                                                                           requirements of the European
                                                                                           authorities. Fairpros will also help you to
                                                                                           acquire fair entry tickets at the best
                                                                                           possible price.

                                                                                           Thanks to new and existing customers
                                                                                           Fairpros has been able to establish their
                                                                                           position as a prefered service provider
                                                                                           between Africa and Europe. And now,
                                                                                           with the establishing of a South African
                                                                                           address for the company in the capable
                                                                                           hands of Teresa Labuschagne, we look
                                                                                           forward to see the Fairpros market grow

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