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Emergency services provides a security        encompass BESAFE-products and services
blanket under which we all live. Should we    including fire-; ambulance- and rescue
need the fire brigade, a policeman, an         services; insurance companies; the SAPS;
ambulance or any other rescue unit, there     military; private- and public hospitals;
is simply a number to dial and somebody       security companies; providers of safety,
will be dispatched to mediate whatever        health and security material and
caused our alarm. It is a convenience we      equipment; sustainability programmes;
hope we never need but when we do, help       local- and district municipalities with
is most certainly on the way.                 disaster management mandates; provincial
                                              government fire & disaster management
Do you know these people who dedicate         and non-governmental facilitators of social
their lives to the protection of other        and environmental safety.
people's life and property? Sometimes that
dedication is in the form of countless hours  An exciting programme promises to have
volunteered over many years, in others it is  the visitor in awe! There will be live
many selfless years working in the industry.   demonstrations by the Big Yellow Chopper
In all cases tremendous risks are part of     and performances by cavalry horses, a dog
emergency people's everyday life.             unit and motor cycle squad, to name just a
                                              few. Demonstrations and displays of
It is time for us to recognise and honour     BESAFE equipment, material and services
our security blanket. Mega Events has been    will educate and inform the visitor on the
appointed, in close cooperation with the      latest technology regarding the emergency
community, district- and provincial safety    sector. The Expo will also host workshops
and security services to host an exciting     and seminars, and the Annual General
new expo, coinciding with the celebrations    Meeting of the Greater Overberg Fire
of the International Fire Fighters' Day,      Protection Association,
                                              Provincial Chief Fire Officers- as well as
International Firefighters' Day is observed    Provincial Fire Workgroup meetings. It will
each year on 4th May. On this date people     also include a related youth education
are invited to remember the past              program, developed with the provincial
firefighters who have made the ultimate         education fraternity. Organised emergency
sacrifice while serving communities or         and protection services will participate in
dedicated their lives to protecting the       inter badge touch rugby competitions. On
safety of all. It is also a time to show our  Saturday the BESAFE 2.4km Challenge
support and appreciation to the firefighters    between the public and Volunteers Wildfire
world wide who continue to protect us so      Services (VWS)
well throughout the year.                     as well as the International Fire Fighter Day
                                              Parade/Celebrations will be something to
BESAFE Expo 2016 will take place from         look forward to.
Thursday 05 to Saturday 07 May 2016 at
Mega Park, Bredasdorp. The key objective      Emergency services are manned by special
of the Expo is to involve all stakeholders,   people, risking their own lives protecting
public and private, in an intervention        ours. Attend, participate and show your
resulting in safer communities. The aim is    appreciation at the Besafe Expo, Mega Park
to bring together service providers and       in May!
beneficiaries in the field of emergency
services, medical, security and protection    For more info on the Expo and
services, and by doing so, enhance the        celebrations visit the website
appreciation and understanding of the
beneficiaries whilst giving recognition to     contact Cornea Geldenhuys on 028 424
BESAFE-providers.                             2890 or via e-mai -
The exhibitions and demonstrations will

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