Page 7 - Mega Interact 0001
P. 7

Research                                      then relying                                   your
Start with ensuring your target               on your products may prove                     calendar, but if
audience will be there – who will be          sufficient. But that only works if what's on     you don't adopt and
coming to the expo? Define your target         display is truly revolutionary.                adapt at least one of these Ps to help you
audience and make sure that they fall in                                                     accomplish whatever objectives you've set
the visitors profile of the specific event      A far less common P these days is pricing.     forth, you're not maximizing your
before you sign up to having a stand.         A decade ago, it was fairly commonplace        company's investment. Bottom line, if
                                              to see exhibitors offering at-expo              there's no reason for attendees to set foot
Plan                                          discounts. For one reason or another, this     inside your space, there's no reason for
After the research, which is the most         P has become scarce, and it's relatively       you to be surprised when they walk right
important part of ensuring which expo is      rare to see exhibiting companies               past your stand.
right for you, planning is essential. It can  incentivising clients and prospects in this
feel incredibly daunting at your first trade   manner. This is probably one of the most       Sometimes the best way to get the most
show, but making sure you get it right        effective and underutilized tools in            out of an expo is by taking a speaking slot,
from the start, that your team is well-       marketers' arsenals. If generating on-site     which happens at most of these events.
educated in what you want to achieve and      orders or shortening the sales cycle is a      Do you have experience and/or
how they can help you to get there, is a      goal for your organisation, then offering       knowledge in a field that would help the
great point to start on. Ask for advice from  even a nominal discount is an obvious          expo attendees? Don't be afraid to put
the organisers and any other business         reason for visiting your stand. After all, if  yourself out there to the organisers,
owners you know that have done an expo        the only way attendees can cash in on          especially if you are already intending to
before. Suck up all the information you       that special price is by signing on the        pay for a stand – they will probably be
can to ensure this expo is the expo that      dotted line before they leave the expo.        more likely to give you the opportunity to
brings you the customers you are looking      You've added both a tangible lure and a        speak.
for.                                          sense of urgency that should get your
                                              exhibition on their must-see lists.            Speaking at these events can also be a
Grab all opportunities                                                                       great way to sell products – ask the
Be part of and take part in as much           Finally, the third P. If your products aren't  organisers if, because you aren't being
activities as possible during the expo.       new, or you're not able to offer attractive     paid to speak, you can have your
Demonstrate, let your voice be heard in       expo- discounts, then you better be            books/banners/products at the speaking
debates, offer competitions with prizes        incorporating a promotional element or         event during your talk. This will give the
worth winning and host special events for     two. And when it comes to this third,          attendees the opportunity to buy from
your loyal customers.                         arguably most powerful P, the possibilities    you. If you can't do this, then ensure to
                                              are endless. From pre-show mailers and         give them the chance to see you after
Get visitors in your stand. Why should        microsites to in-stand presentations and       your talk, by sharing your stand number.
people visit your stand?" The idea is         integrated programs, promotions can help
simple. If there's not anything "in it" for   to differentiate you from other exhibitors,     Bottom line, it's more important than ever
attendees, then there's no reason for them    providing clients and prospects a reason       to deliver unique experiences at expos.
to waste time visiting your stand. The        to give your exhibit a second glance. Many     Trade and industry-related expos are still
answer always fall into one of three          exhibiting companies tend to look down         highly efficient and cost-effective
categories, the three Ps: product, pricing,   on in-booth games and giveaways as             platforms for conducting sales and
and promotion.                                gimmicky. But if those gimmicks get            marketing. A reputable exhibition
                                              bodies into your space they are                company's primary aim will always be to
The first P is the most common. Almost         successful.                                    create an enabling and dynamic
every company believes that its products                                                     environment conducive to effective
are a bona fide attraction. But this is often  Despite whatever preconceived notions          marketing and sales growth for all it's
fueled more by a superiority complex than     you may have about your program or its         exhibitors.
an objective evaluation of an offering's       limitations, all three Ps are both affordable
attractiveness. If you're launching a new     and applicable to your brand. You may not                                            07
product, pitting it against competitors'      need all three for each trade show on
wares, or engaging in efforts to educate
current and prospective clients about why                          | mega interact |
your product is better than anyone else's,
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