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This publication is the property of                 The new year brings new               In this edition we report back
The Mega Group of Companies and is published by:    innovations, new technology           on Fruit Logistica 2016 held in
                                                    and new faces. Change is              Berlin earlier this year and work
Mega Investments                                    essential for growth and              up an appetite for the SA
Reg no: 2009/004866/07 PO Box 1477, Paarl, 7624     development. The Mega Group           Cheese Festival taking place
                                                    of companies is in essence a          from 30 April to 2 May 2016 at
MANAGING EDITOR                                     change facilitator and always         Sandringham, conveniently
Hanlie du Plessis + 27 83 296 8007                  aims to create an environment         located next to the N1, exit 39,
E-mail:                      conducive to change for               between Cape Town and Paarl.
                                                    progress.                             The familiar divisions, still
MARKETING & SALES                                                                         relevant to our brand new
Rene Seconds +27 76 761 0555                        We looked at our monthly              magazine and jam packed with
E-mail:                         publication and innovatively          important information you will
                                                    changed it to serve our               find under –Money Matters,
DESIGN AND LAYOUT                                   business partners and readers         Market Place and the Expo
Ashleigh Lee +27 21 863 1803                        more effectively.                      Calendar. Through these old
E-mail:                                                              friends you will be informed on
                                                    Mega Interact will now                important happenings on the
DISTRIBUTION                                        incorporate the latest                financial front, new products
Agrinet                                             publishing technology and             and services avalable in the
                                                    trends. For your convenience,         market place and last but not
Opinions of co-workers, columnists, correspondents  the magazine are now available        the least – information on
and advertisers are not necessarily those of this   in both print and digital format.     future expos and events.
publication.                                        Incorporating digital opens the
                                                    door to a number of exciting          Please feel free to share your
                                                    possibilities of which the use of     opinions and suggestions
                                                    video is only one. Not only do        regarding our new magazine
                                                    readers respond to video within       with me.
                                                    a digital magazine, it also adds      (
                                                    a layer of engagement for the         I am looking forward to hear
                                                    reader and lends itself to social     from you.
                                                    sharing, which also figures to
                                                    play a huge role currently. If it is  Enjoy our very first
                                                    done right, video adds                Mega Interact.
                                                    immensely to the written word
                                                    and enhances the story.

                                                    Mega Interact focuses on
                                                    business growth through expos
                                                    and events, nationally and
                                                    internationally. This focus
                                                    opens niche markets with very
                                                    specific consumers and inform
                                                    readers on events and expos
                                                    with very specific interests.

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