Page 25 - PCYC 75th Anniversary Book
P. 25
Survey Photograph
Post-war expansion, improvements and malaise Survey photo taken in December 1949 of the Other notable events of the 1940s
old club site and downtown Port Credit
The post-war years brought a string of important improvements to the Club’s Commodore Bob Mason had the following to say: • Our fi rst reciprocity cards were issued in 1941, inviting • Origins of an urban myth? Minutes from an Executive
ever-growing facilities. In particular, we secured new leases from the federal government sailors from other Clubs to use our anchorage and Meeting, July 1946 – “There followed a discussion about
“We need a greater enthusiasm for, and a fuller awareness of, the possibilities in this
for land north of the Clubhouse which lead to the need for vertical pilings along the facilities. Among the many familiar names on our fi rst list increasing numbers of motor boat owners becoming
old sailing port. We need the support of every member. Let’s resolve to put PCYC on
riverbank. During this time, the dock system was expanded and dredging of the harbour of reciprocal Clubs are QCYC, Ashbridges Bay, Boulevard members of the Club and it was felt that some defi nite
every sailor’s list of friendly, enthusiastic ports of call.”
occurred to allow access to boats with larger drafts. During these years, a proper Club, Frenchman’s Bay Yacht Club, National Yacht Club, policy should be decided as to the extent to which the
plumbing and septic system was also fi nally completed. However, by 1950, membership Those words resonate with us today as we look back upon the triumphs and Prince Edward Yacht Club (Picton), RCYC and RHYC. Club is willing to accept motor boat memberships. As a
numbers were dropping and it was becoming increasingly diffi cult to recruit members disappointments of the past and realize that we are part of a much larger and group they are not enthusiastic members and generally PCYC Letterhead (Above)
for the Executive Committee. longer experience. • In 1946, Sunday races were moved from the morning speaking do not contribute greatly to Club spirit which is Designed by Al Rae., QCYC – 1942
to the afternoon after a local minister complained about mostly engendered by sailing members.”
Let the race begin! (Above Top)
our noisy racing events disturbing the Sabbath.
22 The 1940s Port Credit Yacht Club History 23