Page 28 - PCYC 75th Anniversary Book
P. 28

Revitalized club spirit                                                                                                                                       The place to be for regattas

             With Past Commodore Bob Mason’s words of challenge and encouragement echoing in their ears, the Club’s membership   1951 – LSSA Regatta Winners! (Above Left)  All spruced up, we were ready for guests, and in July of 1951, PCYC hosted the Lake   The event was so successful that the following year PCYC decided to hold an annual
                                                                                                          Rear Commodore, Howard Cousins and crew Bob Mason (left) and Ross
             approached PCYC’s fi fteenth anniversary year determined to foster a return to the spirit and camaraderie of earlier years.   Putnam (right) sport trophy keepers and stylish new PCYC T-shirts after   Skiff Sailing Association (LSSA) Regatta. With much planning and organizing, sailors   Open Regatta which continues to this day. Word spread around the Lake and membership
             In 1951, the fi rst New Year’s Eve party was held at PCYC, a monthly newsletter was started and a team of volunteer   sweeping all the eligible silverware for their class.  from around the Lake came and enjoyed our hospitality. Most of them weren’t even   grew. In 1953, PCYC was granted full membership to LYRA (Lake Yacht Racing Association)
             members began sprucing up the Club with paint and polish for the upcoming season.            1955 – The George Cousins Memorial Trophy (Above Right)          aware of the last minute drama that had unfolded…                    which is the oldest association of yacht clubs in North America. PCYC would go on to
                                                                                                          Named in honour of founding member George Cousins and donated by
                                                                                                          his sons, this prestigious trophy is awarded annually to the boat or member   When the lounge in the clubhouse was updated, the area in front of the club was   host LYRA Regattas in 1972, 1992, 1999 and again in 2011, in conjunction with our
                                                                                                          bringing the highest honour to PCYC.
                                                                                                                                                                           dredged and the silt piled on the shore. A tractor was used to move the silt around   75th anniversary year.
                                                                                                          Regatta Days (Page 27)                                           and the job took more than one day, with the tractor parked on the pile of silt   In 1957, PCYC hosted 32 Dragons in the race for the Duke of Edinburgh Trophy.
                                                                                                          Left – Commodore Ernie Dillon’s “Knock About” at Queen City YC Day
                                                                                                          held at PCYC in the early 1940s                                  overnight.  In the morning the tractor was nowhere to be seen. It had sunk into the   The newspaper article on the story cites PCYC as “the second largest yacht club on
                                                                                                          Right – PCYC Open Regatta Day 1954
                                                                                                                                                                           soft soil overnight and had to be excavated by hand!                 Lake Ontario”! Two of our own Dragons competed in the race but did not place.

            26         The 1950s                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Port Credit Yacht Club History          27
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