Page 27 - PCYC 75th Anniversary Book
P. 27

1950   1951   1952,54,63
 R. Mason  A. Athawes  J.A. Collett

                                                               C H A P T E R   3

                                                               The 1950s

 1953   1955,59
 M.A. Brooks  R.P. Jackson

                                                               The 1950s were a time of recovery and renewed spirit. The Cold War developed from modest beginnings to a hot
                                                               competition between the United States and the Soviet Union. The excitement brought by new innovations such as
                                                               television and rock‘n’roll also coloured the 1950s. Life at PCYC had its share of thrills and spills too!

 1956   1957-58
 C.R. Clarke  L. Pickett
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