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 Employee Recognition
 Teresa Amante, RN                            Nurse Manager
 Operations Administrator                     Southside Hospital

 Cohen Children’s Medical Center  2015

                Assistant Nurse Manager
 A veteran of 16 years with Cohen Children’s   and respected by all of her colleagues.  As she   Southside Hospital  2011
 Medical Center, Teresa Amante is an   strives to meet her patients’ needs, she uses   Staff Nurse
 exceptional, approachable leader and role   the tools from Team STEPPS to develop a plan   Telemetry
 model.  She completed her Bachelor’s   of action to handle each of these challenges.   2009  Southside Hospital
 Degree from Molloy College and started her   With her engaging personality, Teresa has   Colleen Morgan, RN, BSN
 nursing career as a Neonatal Intensive Care   an extraordinary way of empathizing with   Nursing Assistant
 Unit Nurse. She has been the Operations   families during difficult situations.  Her   Float
 Administrator at Cohen Children’s since   presence at Cohen’s creates an atmosphere   Southside Hospital
 2010.  Teresa embodies our Culture of Care in   of positivity and caring.  Teresa is also not
 all that she does.  She is an advocate for both   afraid to roll up her sleeves and jump right in
 staff and patient satisfaction and is admired   to lend a helping hand to anyone in need.

 Orzac Center for Rehabilitation

 Delivering excellence   At the 120-bed Northwell Health Orzac Center for   Our goal is to continue to build upon our

     Rehabilitation, or “home away from home” as we             commitment to service excellence by continuously
 through commitment.  like to think of it, our doctors, nurses, therapists,   raising our level of quality and care. That includes

     social workers and other professionals work to
                                                                integrating programs like the CMS Antibiotic
     provide a level of outstanding rehabilitative care         Stewardship program to enhance infection
     and enriched quality of life for patients that can         prevention and promote good clinical outcomes
     only be defined as selfless.                               while decreasing antimicrobial-associated toxicity,
                                                                pharmaceutical costs, patient length-of-stay, and
     It’s a dedication that has been honored by the             microbial resistance. And utilizing technologies
     New York Department of Health for consistently             like ESNF Tele-health program which connects
     achieving positive results, full accreditation from the    an e-consults physician to patients that are
     Joint Commission, and a Five-Star rating for overall       experiencing urgent changes in status via video.
     quality by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
     Services – placing Northwell Health Orzac Center for
     Rehabilitation in the top 10% of all nursing facilities
     in the country.

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