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Mitchell said he had on his desk a Certificate of Need
                                                                                                                                application to the State Health Department for an
                                                                                                                                interventional cardiac catheterization facility dated
                                                                                                                                1993. It never came to fruition, he said.

                                                                                                                                “In less than a year Northwell Health got our CON
                                                                                                                                approved,” Mitchell said. The PBMC board chose
                                                                                                                                to become part of the Northwell Health System
                                                                                                                                in large part because Northwell’s commitment to
                                                                                                                                immediately pursuing approvals for the cardiac care
                                                                                                                                facilities and moving forward with its construction.

                                                                                                                                The cardiac catheterization facilities will allow                   Tami Gold, RN
                                                                                                                                specially trained cardiologists to perform procedures
                                                                                                                                that clear blocked cardiac arteries for patients
                                                                                                                                suffering heart attacks within the window of time
                                                                                                                                required to save heart muscle — and lives. Currently               Current

     Peconic Bay Medical Center                                                                                                 heart attack victims on the East End generally travel
                                                                                                                                an hour or more to a facility licensed for those                   Director of Staff Education
     The beat goes on – building our                                                                                            procedures — often with dire health consequences                   South Oaks Hospital
                                                                                                                                or loss of life.

     state-of-the-art cardiac care center.                                                                                      “This has been 15 years of work by the board,                                       2015

                                                                                                                                the management and the foundation and it took
                                                                                                                                Northwell Health to put it all together,” PBMC                                      Director of Quality
                                                                                                                                chairwoman Sherry Paterson said. ”Make no mistake                                   and Education
     Our care at Peconic Bay Medical Center is                  PBMC president and CEO Andrew Mitchell marked it                this critical care tower will save lives.”                                          South Oaks Hospital
     groundbreaking. Literally. We are paving the               as “a momentous day in the history of the medical
     way for the future of care with a three-story,             center,” and a day for celebrating the heritage of              In his remarks at the podium, Northwell president                 2012
     $60 million comprehensive cardiac care center              Central Suffolk Hospital, and its decade of growth              and CEO Michael Dowling extended “special thanks”                 Charge Nurse
     complete with two cardiac catheterization suites,          and expansion as Peconic Bay Medical Center.                    to the senator, who he said, “above all, cares deeply             Adolescents
     an electrophysiology suite, recovery rooms and             “Nearly 10 years ago we came together on this                   about his community.”                                             South Oaks Hospital
     an 18-bed intensive care/cardiac care unit. This           very spot to break ground for the buildings that
     means the Kansas Regional Heart Center will offer          would radically transform health care in our                    Dowling said the community today should “have
     lifesaving interventional cardiac procedures that are      region,” Mitchell said. He listed the highlights of             a wonderful sense of pride” because of the strides                               2012
     unavailable elsewhere on the East End.                     the last decade, including, among other things, “a              Northwell and Peconic Bay are making.                                           MSN with a specialization in
                                                                destination orthopedics program, a major robotics                                                                                               Nursing Leadership
     Elected officials and benefactors — including John         surgery center, an incredibly special palliative care           “This is health reform in action — not discussion, not                          South Oaks Hospital
     and Elaine Kanas, whose family foundation donated          unit, a graduate medical education program, the                 theory, not legislation, not political comment. This
     a $5 million gift for the cardiac center, bringing         largest multi-specialty group in eastern Suffolk,               is actually what reform is about: doing something               2007
     the total “New Era Capital Campaign" fundraising           an area trauma center and an award-winning                      where you see a result, where you can touch and feel
     to $20.25 million to date — participated in the            stroke center.” Mitchell said through the hospital’s            it and patients can come here and get the best care,”           Staff Nurse
     ceremonies outside the hospital before a crowd of          “powerful partnership with Northwell Health” it is              Dowling said.                                                   Huntington Hospital
     community members and hospital staff.                      dedicated to “creating a new era in health care.”

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