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South Oaks Hospital                                                           the whole population has left
     Reconnect.                                                                    are in a very transitional phase
                                                                                   our young adult patients – who

                                                                                   in their lives – lacking in age-

     Recharge.                                                                     specific therapies and services.                                                                       Employee Recognition
                                                                                   As the incidence of young adults
                                                                                   who require mental health
                                                                                   services increases, so does our
                                                                                                                                                                                          Jenny Solomon-Abraham, RN
     Remember.                                                                     commitment to address this.                                                                            LIJ Forest Hill

                                                                                   This fall, South Oaks is projected
                                                                                   to open a young adult unit, under
                                                                                   the leadership of Ken Corbin,                        Meet Jenny Solomon-Abraham, Staff RN in           and has coaxed even the most isolated in-
                                                                                   Administrative Director.  Ken’s                      the LIJ Forest Hill Emergency Department          dividual into a trusting nurse-patient rela-
     Here at South Oaks, our specialty       who attended the first of the         vision is to operationalize a unit                   and the Zuckerberg Award winner for 2017!         tionship. Jenny takes on every situation or
      is psychiatry, but our profession      new classes have reported feeling     where young adult patients will                      Jenny received her Nursing BSN degree from        complex care issue and uses the experience
      is nursing.                            excited to reconnect with their       receive therapies based heavily                      Mahatma Gandhi University in India in 2007        to handle similar situations moving forward.”
                                             nursing roots and fundamentals.       upon self-esteem building and                        and is currently in the NP Graduate program
      Psychiatry and psychiatric             And many of our nurses,               coaching from a vocational team.                     at Molloy College. Serving as a key member        “Jenny is compassionate about every aspect
      nursing have been relatively           especially those who have been        The transition from adolescence                      of our ED staff as an RN since 2009, Jenny is     of nursing care and always demonstrates
      siloed from the rest of healthcare,    here for long careers, are receiving   to adulthood is a difficult one,                    one of the unit’s primary preceptors. She is      strong patient advocacy skills. Whether it be
      so it can be easy for seasoned         this interactive education with       even for healthy individuals.                        also a Triage and Charge RN. With her im-         education in a new nursing guideline, or just
      psychiatric nurses to forget their     enthusiasm; and the education         People who suffer from mental                        pressive career growth, she exemplifies the       refreshing her understanding of a disease
      fundamentals, and their                continues, accompanied by the         illness face an even greater                         “Novice to Expert” Nurse. Here’s what those       process, Jenny strives to educate herself to
      nursing roots.                         efforts of the INF and sim lab        challenge, and the creation of                       around her have to say about Jenny:               the fullest extent.”
                                             education.                            this specialized unit will provide a
      Here at South Oaks, we’ve                                                    place where these individuals can                    “Jenny’s compassion for her patients and her
      begun doing just that – creating       Our staff has also created a          receive the services they need.                      colleagues never fails to impress. She encour-
      an education program that              solution for another equally                                                               ages patients in the direst of circumstances,
      reconnects us all with our why;        challenging dichotomy. South
      why we all became nurses, why          Oaks Hospital’s Inpatient Adult
      we must uphold nursing ethics          service area has consisted of two
      and standards, and why we must         large units, with a very mixed
      elevate our practice with an           population. Although varying in                                                                                                                   Behavioral Health RNs
      ongoing spirit of inquiry.             ages from eighteen to seventy,
                                             and presenting with differing                                                                                                                     Help us increase
      The end goal is simple to              diagnoses and needs, patients
      elevate nurses to the highest of       on these units receive similar                                                                                                                    our reach with your
      standards, delivering patient-         group sessions and therapies
      centered care regardless of            throughout their stay at South                                                                                                                    healing touch.
      whether our patients have              Oaks. While treatment is as
      medical or psychiatric diagnoses.      individualized as possible, the
      And it’s already working. Nurses       need for programming that suits                                                                                                                         See our job opportunities

      14     Northwell Health                                                                                                                                                                                   The Rounds  •  Volume 1, 2017      15
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