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Why I Wake The unit staff developed an were colorful, with the slogan tool to facilitate necessary
and a small amount of
information sheet that could be
conversations, as well as to
handed out and reviewed with
patient safety. This educational
the parents upon admission information. They didn’t want foster parental partnership in
them to be too overwhelming
You Up and reinforced throughout the with information but rather to tool demonstrated an increase
spark questions and conversation
child’s stay. This would engage
in patient satisfaction scores on
the nurses in partnering with the
parents, and help them explain with the healthcare team. the Press Gany question “staff
concern to make your
When finalized, the cards were
at Night the differences in their nursing copyrighted as well. stay restful”.
care during day and night shifts,
stressing the importance of
overnight assessments. Their Patients satisfaction was
increased and perception
goal was to increase parental of restfulness improved by
Kara Fitzpatrick, BSN, RN knowledge and satisfaction educating the families ahead
regarding their child’s experience of time about the necessary
Charlotte Smith, MSN, RN, NE-BC on the night shift. disruptions at night in the
Marjorie Solferino Transou, BSN, RN hospital. This initiative has since
As part of the information sheet, The information cards where gone hospital-wide at Cohen’s
they created the slogan “Why I distributed to patients and and enables the nurses to provide
Wake You Up at Night” to help families on the hematology safe and comprehensive care
translate this information to oncology unit. The nurses found at night without sacrificing the
patients and families. The cards this to be a useful instructional patient’s satisfaction.
The hematology oncology unit at Cohen Children’s Nurse Manager
Medical Center is a busy unit where patients stay Cardiac Cath Lab
for extended periods of time for treatment of Lenox Hill Hospital
conditions requiring chemotherapy, transfusions
of blood products and antibiotic therapy. As part of 2016
these treatments, nurses need to perform necessary
assessments during the night, such as intravenous Assistant Nurse Manager
(IV) site checks and vital signs. Now, nobody likes to CTICU/Step Down 2012
be woken up, especially to be poked and prodded Lenox Hill Hospital
by a nurse. If you’re the parent of a sick child, this Staff Nurse
can be particularly upsetting. Even though our 2011 Cardiothoracic ICU
nurses would inform parents of the importance of LIJ Medical Center
these interruptions, we felt parents deserved more Staff Nurse Hazel Pinto, RN
continuous reinforcement of this information. Respiratory Care Unit
LIJ Medical Center
8 Northwell Health The Rounds • Volume 1, 2017 9