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“Tuck in” rounding

      Because we want to continually improve the
      patient experience at Glen Cove Hospital, we
      created “Tuck In” rounding as a way to reduce
      noise. What does “TUCK IN” stand for?

          T           Toilet - Ask the patient if they need
                      to use the bathroom or address any
                      toileting needs

                      need to get comfortable, pain or
 Glen Cove Hospital  U  Unwind - Ask the patient what they               John Meister, RN
                      sleep medication, extra pillows or
 Collaborative Care Councils – made   blanket, water or tea, TV on or off,
                      and offer the patients a back rub
                      with provided lotions.                             Current
 for making a difference.  Call Bell - Be sure to make the               Director
          C           call bell in an available and                      Advanced Practice Nurses

                                                                         LIJ Medical Center
                      comfortable place.
 The Collaborative Care Councils (CCC) at Glen Cove   The process is based off the SIRS threshold for
 Hospital are helping to redefine quality care. Last   patients with hospital acquired CDIFF.  Currently,   2004
 year, the Collaborative Care Council in the Rehab   Glen Cove is under the threshold for hospital   Keep the door open or closed?    Heart Failure Nurse Practitioner
 unit completed a very successful project last   acquired CDIFF.  Going forward they will be following   K  If the patient is alert and oriented   LIJ Medical Center
                      ask if they have a preference.
 year called “Pressure Ulcer Risk and Reduction”   up on medication education to patients, especially
 (PURR). As a result, the hospital was able to reduce   upon discharge.
 hospital acquired pressure ulcers by 50%.  This
 year, their CCC is working on reducing CAUTI’s. The   Implement quiet time hours -    1991
                      Communicate with the patient that
 strategy is to remove Foley as early as possible and   Caring for each other with    I  after 10pm the unit has effective   Assistant Nurse Manger
 performing bladder scans and straight caths as per   quiet hours to promote sleep    LIJ Medical Center
 doctors’ orders.  They had an abstract for a poster   Team Lavender.  and healing.
 presentation accepted at a national conference on
 safety in rehab hospitals.  RN Jennifer Guertin and   Team Lavender is an interdisciplinary group created   Need and Thank - Close out with   1985
 her manager Alexis Alexander will be attending the   to address the emotional needs of employees at Glen   N  asking what else the patient needs
 conference this week to present their poster.  Cove Hospital during times of crisis, stress or trauma.    before exiting and thank them.  Registered Nurse
 It is essentially a rapid response team for caregivers,                              LIJ Medical Center
 The Collaborative Care Council in Telemetry and CCU   offering them emotional, spiritual and physical
 is currently expanding on its already existing project   support while providing opportunities to discuss
 for the CDIFF initiative.  They are collecting data   feelings and explore coping mechanisms. It also gives   Other than our "Tuck In" rounding, we will also be   1984
 and reviewing it every three months for all patients   employees access to additional support resources.    working on environmental noise reduction such   Registered Nurse
 currently taking or new to Proton Pump Inhibitors to   We’re committed to caring for our people so they can   as reducing noise from IV pumps, reducing ring-  LIJ Medical Center
 see if they are at risk for hospital acquired CDIFF.    care for others.   er volume on phones, addressing door noise and
      educating the patient about headphone option for
      the television.
 12     Northwell Health                                                             The Rounds  •  Volume 1, 2017      13
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