Page 12 - CCNB Annual Report 2022
P. 12

                                    DISABILITY SERVICES
                                                             CCNB is a registered provider of support coordination services for people with a disability through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
Like aged care, the disability sector has seen considerable reform over the past year. Amendments to the NDIS Act were passed by the Australian Parliament earlier in the year, and come into effect from
July 1, 2022.
The amendments are aimed at making processes easier and better for NDIS participants, ensuring that more importance is placed on relationships with families and carers, offering greater choice and control in obtaining disability supports.
CCNB's services for people with a disability include:
Support coordination under the NDIS Short term intensive case management for people with high and complex care needs through our commissioned GP Social Work service
Coordination of supports for people with psychosocial disability through the Partners in Recovery program
Support for carers and families
Peer support programs for people with disability
Community Companions Program – supporting people to meet friends and participate in the community Innovation through collaboration – addressing local needs through research, pilot programs and community action (e.g., housing and support for those living with hoarding disorder or living in squalor)
Psychosocial Recovery Coaching
This program is relatively new to CCNB and has been added as a new support item for NDIS participants with a psychosocial (both psychological and social) disability who require a 'coach' to support them to manage complex daily challenges.
The Recovery Coach's mission is to assist NDIS participants to regain control of their life, return to optimal health and wellbeing, and progress towards maximising their potential. This is done using the recovery-oriented framework.
Following a GP referral, a recovery coach is identified who can have either lived experience, learnt experience or a combination of the two.
The Coach will develop a recovery- oriented relationship with the participant based on fostering a safe environment to begin the recovery journey. They remain adaptable, build a plan and monitor recovery, as well as support engagement with the NDIS.
NDIS customers were supported by CCNB during the year
Hours of services were delivered to customers

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