Page 21 - CCNB Annual Report 2022
P. 21

   Integration with CCNB
Following the integration with CCNB in June 2021, the Groundswell Project Australia (GSPA) continued to build on the shared strengths of both organisations.
Groundswell expertise in end-of-life education and resources for staff, clients and community has been showcased through the Belong Club events and internal training for Care Circles.
Compassionate Communities Project
Groundswell successfully completed its Compassionate Communities project with OurPHN in Central Queensland.
Fifty-five community and health sector leaders came together across 10 different workshops for peer-to- peer development about death literacy, regional end-of-life assets and how to build community capacity to support wellbeing through dying, death and grief.
NSW MoH Project
During the year, we commenced a NSW Ministry of Health (MoH) funded project in the Illawarra to increase death literacy in residential aged care staff and increase wellbeing outcomes for residents through better end-of- life conversations and planning.
End-of-Life Training Review
Our end-of-life education offerings for health sector staff, organisations and communities were reviewed and updated, particularly with online delivery mode in mind. Three offerings were successfully piloted: Ten Things to Know Before You Go, Death Cafes and Community Connector Training.
Dying to Know Day (D2KD) - Aug 8, 2021
Despite a difficult face-to-face event environment due to COVID, 545 Councils were reached across Australia. In addition, 92 events were registered for D2KD that included collaboration with 478 community-based individuals and organisations across Australia.

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