Page 10 - Relaunch Issue
P. 10
Nothing beats giving your fam-
How to make ily what they want with all the
wedding traditions and still hav-
A Wedding ing your wedding your way. The
reception is the biggest part of
the wedding so half your wed-
Statement ding venue; half for you, half for
family. If you don’t need half,
take a quarter of the reception
venue and you can do what-
here are not a to make a statement, they ever you want from having a
lot of events want to do something separate access card into
with as many different, something to that section of the wedding
traditions as a get their guests talking, if reception. You can give your
wedding, most that is you, you can still guests a separate dress or
traditions are make your day your own colour code, serve them
somewhat cast on stones without making the event unconventional menus by
worth with trying to ap- unrecognizable. The plan making their food serving
pease older generations is to give your guests’ that points totally different from
of family members who one thing to keep talking the whole wedding recep-
have strong opinions on about. Outside food and tion. Finally, older guests
what a wedding looks friends, pick one, two or will leave at some point; go
like. all options for an unfor- to town with the rest of your
gettable wedding. day.
Many couples today want
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