Page 9 - Relaunch Issue
P. 9




 Y es! I wrote this same edi-  be disrupted, so long as there is

 torial piece 15 months ago  money in that business, some-
 and it still stands today.
 “Ever wondered how the owners   one, somewhere, who wants to
 make money, will disrupt it. The
 of blackberry felt when you and   bait that a disruptor uses is to
 I replaced them with Samsung   change the way “we’ve always
 and iPhone? Or when the banks   done things, to reduce costs, to
 Publisher/Editor-in-chief   decided that ATM machine could  cut down on time and to take
 Make up /  styling  / Photography – @missyblissmakeovers
 replace hundreds of its staff to   away any form of headache pre-
 Managing Editor   cut cost. How will you feel if   viously experienced by clients.
 Taiwo Adeniran
 someday an app, a new technol-  Who said the waiter cannot be
 Customer Service   ogy or a Robot replaces you? Did  replaced or drinks dispensed by
 Bukola Daniels   you say, “It cannot happen”?  a single robot.
 Bunmi Oisamoje
 Head Marketing   Well, let me bring it home a   You can either disrupt or be
 Catherine Adewumi   little. Seen the Disney digital   disrupted. As technology con-
 cake imaging? What about wall   tinues to invade every industry,
 Concept And Development
 Modupe (Duupe)Adeniran   mapping? What if the concept   the physical and digital are now
 someday means we no longer   coming together overlapping and
 Graphics Design
 Ezrak Media Arts  have to spend millions on décor   blending into each other. You are
 but can impose or project the   faced with the choice of either
 Human Resources   image as the ambience? God   embrace it and mark yourself
 Toyin Olaniyan
 forbid right? Well, it is not a mat-  ‘safe’ or you are pushed away
 Head Finance   ter of ‘whether’ it will come or   and your innovation becomes
 Mobola Ojo   ‘if’ it will come, it’s a matter of   stale.
 Photography   ‘when’. And that ‘when’ is closer
 Potter Clay   than you think. It is called digital  So, with all these I say, welcome
 disruption and it is coming after   to our very first full blown digi-
 All4Media Ltd   everything.   tal edition. Things will be done
 BrandVision Ltd   a little differently moving on…
 How many times have you vis-  thank you for giving us another
 ited the salon this year? The wigs  chance. We look forward to serv-
 WEDDING PLANNER Magazine is   have taken over and even the   ing you better.
 published every other month by   braiders are feeling it? This has
 We are open to suggestions,questions,   nothing to do with recession, this  See you next edition.
 personal testimony and contributions   is disruption and it need not be
 Please send your emails to   digital. Did they see that com-  Duupe Adeniran   ing? I bet not.
 Follow us
 For Enquiries: Call +2348055447599   It is not the technology that does       – weddingplannerworld
 the disruption, people do and        – wedplanworld
 there is no business that cannot        – weddingplannerworld

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