Page 12 - Relaunch Issue
P. 12

WPW! FEATURE                                                                                                                                                                                                   WPW! FEATURE

                                                                            OPT FOR THE UNEXPECTED

                                                                           Mixing a natural wedding setting                           OPULENT WEDDING
                                                                           with the unexpected home décor                             Cakes
                                                                           elements is a great way to make
                                                                           your wedding modern yet time-
                                                                           less. Classic elements used in                        We’ve seen a lot of amazing wed-
                                                                           non-traditional ways can make                         ding caes, but you can get even            wedding cake that will take guests’ breath away -

                                                                           your day feel very modern. The                        wilder you’re your wedding cake            Thinks bespoke.
                                                                           use of marble tables without                          style. Welcome your guests with
                                                                           runners or linens and a massive                       an even more impressive creation
                                                                           ceiling decor will most certainly                     ever seen with the amazing ar-             The best weddings are the truly personal ones.
                                                                           give the space a modern, clean                        ray of textures, life – sized multi        And while there are a million and one ways to put
                                                                           look that will be absolutely                          tiered creation, rippled icing,            your unique stamp on the day, there’s nothing
                                                                           beautiful and talked about. Give                      decorative finishing, show-stop-           quite as important as the words you hear, speak
                                                                           them a reason to “look up” plus                       ping sugar flowers or simply build         and share during your wedding ceremony. And
                                                                           a simple yet tasteful table setting                   an opulent world for a simple              I’m not just talking about the vows–you can script

                                                                           and your statement is made.                                                                      the whole day from beginning to end, whatever
                                                                                                                                                                            you do, do you.

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