Page 18 - March 2019 Wheel
P. 18


                               EVENING BOOK CLUB:                           KIDS CLUB FREE EVENT
                                      CODE GIRLS                                Saturday, March 16

                                    Thursday, March 7                         Meeting Place: Town Square
                                     Library • 7:30 p.m.                           10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

                               Come  chat  with  us  about  Liza   Are the kids out of school? Join Milos for a day of fun and
                               Mundy’s  biographical  account    sign up for Kids Club at WAL! Your kid will do activities
                               about  the  women  employed  by   like soccer, swim, crafts, basketball and more!
                               the  U.S.  government  to  secretly
                               decode messages sent by the Axis   Please pack pool attire, water bottle, and snacks for your
                               Powers during World War 2.        child.

                                                                 You must RSVP in advance for this event. Kids Club on
                                                                 March 16 is free.
              FREE MOVIE:

           THE OLD MAN &
                 THE GUN                                             COMMUNITY

            Thursday, March 14                                       HAPPY HOUR
            TV Room  • 2 & 7 p.m.
                 Rated PG-13                                        Friday, March 29
                                                                     Terrace Lounge
       Based  on  the  true-life  exploits  of                          7 – 9 p.m.
       bank  robber  Forrest  Tucker,  this
       serio-comic tale recounts  his dar-                           Sponsored by the
       ing escape from prison at age 70 and the long string of heists   Board of Directors
       that preceded the bandit’s final arrest at age 78. Features Rob-  Hosted by the
       ert Redford, Casey Affleck and Sissy Spacek.                  WAL Lions Club

                                                                                  FLEA MARKET
                         Friday, March 15
                      Terrace Lounge • 6 – 8 p.m.                                 Saturday, April 6
                                                                   Town Square and Terrace Lounge 11 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
                                        Calling  all  Gamers!                 Rented 6’ Tables – $4 each
                                        Join  the  Youth  Com-                Rented 8’ Tables – $6 each
                                        mittee  for  a  night  of
                                        fun and games! There     Watergate  at  Landmark’s  Flea  Market  is  back  again!  If
                                        will be multiple Fort-   you have items you want to sell that are still in good con-
                                        nite  stations  to  play   dition then this event is right up your alley! If you don’t
                                        on!  We’ll  also  have   have anything to sell, come browse between tables to find
         the Wii and board games set up in case you don’t want to   your next great bargain!
         play Fortnite. To gauge participation and prepare in ad-
         vance, RSVP in the Activities Office if you want to play   The Flea Market will begin at 11a.m. and end promptly at
         Fortnite. All Fortnite players MUST be supervised by    2:30p.m. Call the Activities Office today for a table reser-
         an adult. This game has a “Teen” rating. Of course, you   vation or more information at 703-370-7092.
         can bring your own mobile device to join in the Fortnite
         games as well.

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