Page 4 - Neighborhood-Report_Austin-TX-78705_2017-04-20-20-44-14_Neat
P. 4
Austin, TX78705
Neighborhood: People Stats and Charts
Population 78705 Austin Travis County Texas USA
Population Density per Sq Mi 23.7K 887K 1.12M 26.5M 317M
Population Change since 2010 13.2K 2.98K 1.13K 102 –
Median Age +10.7% +11.3% +13.9% +9.9% +2.4%
Male / Female Ratio 21 32 33 34 38
High School Graduate 49% 50% 50% 50% 49%
2-Year Degree 5% 17% 17% 25% 28%
Bachelor Degree 25% 24% 25% 29% 29%
Post-graduate Degree 39% 30% 29% 18% 19%
28% 17% 17% 9% 11%
Population of Children by Age
Thischart showsthe distribution of the
population of children by age range —
from birth to 17 — in the area of your
Data Source: U.S. Census
Update Frequency: Annually
Population of Adults by Age
Thischart showsthe distribution of the
population of adultsby age range —
from 18 to 75-plus— in the area of your
Data Source: U.S. Census
Update Frequency: Annually
Households With Children
Thischart showsthe distribution of
householdswith children, categorized by
marital status, in the area of your search.
Data Source: U.S. Census
Update Frequency: Annually
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Information is not guaranteed. Equal Housing Opportunity.