Page 6 - Kavka Proposal Web
P. 6

Part One

               1.   Investment Opportunity                     •  Ability to offset any capital losses realised on the
                                                                 disposal of the investment against other income or
               Okowita Vodka Limited (the Company) will provide   capital gains reducing capital at risk to 38.5p per £1
               investors with an opportunity to invest in a Super-Premium   subscribed for a 45% tax payer
               brand of hand-made artisanal vodka, distinctive in its use
               of heritage Polish blending and distillation processes.  •  Tax Free Growth – no capital gains tax payable on
                                                                 disposal after a three year qualifying period
               The Company is seeking to raise an investment of £500k in
               order to produce and sell a distinctive range of world class   •  100% relief from inheritance tax for investments held
               vodkas, which will differentiate themselves from other   for more than two years.
               vodka brands by its uniqueness and authenticity.   3.  Key Features of the Company
               Advance assurance has been received from HMRC   •  The initial focus of the Company is to further develop
               confirming that investments in the Company should    the Kavka brand.
               qualify for tax reliefs under the Enterprise Investment
               Scheme (EIS).                                   •  The Company’s registered office is at 89 New Bond
                                                                 Street, London, W1S 1DA, and its registered number
               2.  Benefits of the EIS                           is 9777338. The Company was incorporated in
               The EIS comprises a variety of tax benefits available to UK   England and Wales on 15 September 2015, but it has
               tax paying individuals (subject to investments complying   been dormant since incorporation.
               with the relevant conditions) including:
                                                               •  The Company was formerly known as Kruk Limited,
               •  30% income tax relief on subscriptions of up to  £1   and the  name was  changed  to Okowita  Vodka
                  million, reducing the net cost of investment to 70p per   Limited on 14 September 2016. The business of the
                  £1 subscribed                                  Company is and will be wholly conducted in the UK.
                                                                 Its corporation tax reference number is 37786 10903.
               •  Unlimited and potentially indefinite deferral of capital
                  gains tax liabilities

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