Page 10 - Kavka Proposal Web
P. 10

Part Two
     Investment                “A classic style of Polish vodka with a
                               big, confident character. Vodka how it
                               used to taste. Bold and distinctive.”

               1.  Offer Overview                              2.  The Brand

               The Okowita Vodka Company has been founded by   Being Polish is a real differentiator in the high-end vodka
               three individuals who have joined forces, each bringing   market – Poland is the birthplace of vodka with its long
               complementary and unparalleled expertise in the spirits   established culture and traditions in production. We are
               business to launch a unique Polish Vodka Brand.  looking to tap into that culture and make a vodka true
                                                               to old recipes that has real character of flavour which
               KAVKA vodka is a super premium brand of hand-made
               artisanal vodka, distinctive in its use of heritage Polish   challenges the largely over-marketed ‘luxury‘ brands that
               blending and distillation processes.            dominate the market.
                                                               Mirroring the Gin phenomenon, the consumer is
               KAVKA will be clearly positioned as the authentic vodka.
               Made the way vodka used to be made, back in the day.  becoming increasingly concerned about the provenance
                                                               and narrative behind the brands they buy. Tradition
               The brand will be launched with a superior quality highly   and authenticity have become increasingly important
               distinctive plain vodka, followed within a year by 4 unique   to millennials in a wide range of categories. This
               naturally flavoured vodkas. A range of World Class vodkas.  phenomenon was confirmed in our brand name research
                                                               which led to our choice of KAVKA.
               In contrast to most vodka brands, the marketing will be
               driven by the quality and provenance of the products, not   KAVKA will be authentic in its production methods and
               by a contrived and invented marketing story.    natural ingredients. It is an old fashioned vodka made for
                                                               the contemporary market.
               Our ambition is to make Kavka an iconic and exceptional
               brand, truly distinctive to other vodkas.

               Na zdrowie!

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