Page 12 - Kavka Proposal Web
P. 12
Part Two
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6. Profile of the Directors 3. Martin Riley
1. Jan Woroniecki Martin Riley is a life-long veteran of the spirits industry.
In his career at Irish Distillers, he was instrumental to the
Prince Jan Korybut Woroniecki began his career as marketing successes of brands like Jameson whiskey
a fashion photographer. In 1989 he opened his first and Beefeater gin. He later became Chief Marketing
restaurant, aptly named Wodka, in Kensington. A Officer of Chivas Bros globally where he transformed the
fashionable eating and watering hole frequented by fortunes of brands like Chivas Regal, Ballantine’s, Royal
luminaries of the media, music and fashion industries. Salute and Plymouth gin. From Chivas Bros he went to
Famous for its delicious naturally flavoured fruit the parent company, Pernod-Ricard, overseeing all the
vodkas. He then opened another restaurant and bar in company’s brands globally as CMO. Martin retired 2
Blackfriars Road called Baltic, followed a few years ago years ago and has been an advisor to a business school
by Ognisko (otherwise known as The Polish Club). A in London. Spirit brands remain one of his main passions
key feature of each restaurant has always been a highly in life.
sophisticated cocktail bar with vodka at its heart.
4. Karol Terejlis
2. Philip Purdon
Born and raised in Poland, Karol is an award winning
Philip Purdon is an advertising executive who began cocktail barman who has great knowledge and passion
his career at Saatchi & Saatchi in London, followed by for vodka. He has worked with Jan Woroniecki for many
many years in Paris, New York and London. He was years and has been at the forefront of this project.
CEO of the highly acclaimed TBWA Paris agency and He will be in charge of developing and maintaining
subsequently CEO of The Lowe Group Europe. Whilst relationships with the on-trade and will train up new
he has worked with a wide range of clients, he has had ambassadors when needed.
a long association with spirits brands working with a key
client Pernod-Ricard, running their account worldwide
including a wide range of world famous spirits brand
such as Chivas Regal, Absolut and Stolichnaya.