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This graduation report has been written to match all the guidelines that Fontys University of Applied Sciences has provided
in the graduation brochure. After a while of searching for a graduation project for my last semester, the assignment of
building a video platform fascinated me the most. After some meetings and a test (of skills) with the company the project
was assigned to me. The assignment took place at the company: MAD Consultancy, a fascinating small business that
consists of a young, tightly knit group of passionate and dedicated entrepreneurs. MAD Consultancy is specialized in
developing software applications and offers a myriad of related (online) services.
I would like to thank my company director: Andrej Kalinin, who was in charge of guiding me through the process, helping
me whenever I got stuck and providing me with all kinds of new information that I did not know of. I have learned a great
amount while working on this assignment, all thanks to Andrej.
I also would like to thank my university mentor: Paul Linnartz, who I always felt comfortable talking to whenever I had
some questions. Being the friendly guy that he is, I always knew that if I would get into some trouble or would need
guidance I could count on Mr. Linnartz.