Page 240 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 240
        Answer key: Unit 11

        4  1 wouldn’t won’t  2 send would send  3 am will be    4  1 What  2 on  3 about  4 else  5 providing/
          4 stand be standing  5 won’t wouldn’t  6 have           provided  6 until  7 enough  8 sooner
          travelled travel
                                                                6  1 Unless  2 on  3 far  4 out  5 what  6 most  7 not
        5  1  can count on you to                                 8 as
         2  as/so long as we set
         3  be working late tonight unless
         4  would not / wouldn’t have presented her with        Speaking | Part 1
         5  would be grateful if you would / you’d / you could
         6  had not / hadn’t come up                            1  Suggested answer: all except 3 and 7

                                                                2  1  Laura: 6  Daniel: 4  Marta: 1 or 8
        Reading and Use of English | Part 5                       2  Laura and Marta
                                                                  3   No, because sometimes they’re describing reality
        1  1 T  2 F Read the text quickly to get an idea of its      rather than an imagined situation or event.
          structure and what it is about before dealing with the     4   Marta – wonderful, such a lovely area, fabulous,
          questions.  3 F The questions are answered in the          great, I’d really love that, the chance of a lifetime.
          same order.  4 T                                           She also shows enthusiasm through her intonation.
                                                                  5   They use their own vocabulary. This shows
        3  Any or all of these reasons: to disappear, to break       range of vocabulary, knowledge of synonyms,
          out of his predictable routine, to be inaccessible /       understanding of the question, confidence with
          unobtainable / out of touch; also for pleasure, for        English.
          untold tales, hope, comedy and sweetness, to wander
          the hinterland, for revenge for being kept waiting, to      CD 2 Track 16
          get away from domestic life and modern technology,     Laura:  Well, it depends where to. I’m certainly not afraid
          in the spirit of discovery
                                                                   of taking risks for a bit of excitement and I get a real
                                                                   buzz from a bit of danger. But it would have to be a
        4  1 A  2 D  3 A  4 B  5 D  6 C
                                                                   journey to somewhere interesting, somewhere that
                                                                   was worth visiting. I wouldn’t want to do it just for the
                                                                 Daniel:  Well, it certainly helps with the day-to-day
        at, in and on to express location
                                                                   problems like buying tickets, getting information and
        1  1 in  2 in  3 on, at, in  4 on  5 at, at  6 at  7 in    so on. But I’d say it’s generally better to try to speak
                                                                   the local language if you can, because then you can get
        2  b on (4)  c on (3)  d in (1, 2, 3, 7)                   to know people, talk to them on their own terms, and
                                                                   that’s when real communication starts happening. On
        3  1 of in  2 at on  3 of in  4 at in  5 at on  6 at on    the other hand, you can’t learn the language of every
          7 at in  8 in on  9 at on  10 to in                      country you want to visit, and in those cases English is
                                                                   definitely better than nothing.

                                                                 Marta:   Normally I go to Croatia and the Adriatic Sea for
        Reading and Use of English | Part 2                        a couple of weeks in the summer, which is wonderful,

        1  1  eight                                                it’s such a lovely area, but the chance to go even further
         2   Read the whole text quickly, read before and after    afield and have some completely different experiences,
            each gap.                                              well, for example to spend two or three months
         3  Think about what type of word you need.                travelling round Africa, would be fabulous. It’d be great
         4   It is essential: if you spell the word wrongly, you   to see some of those places you only normally see on
            lose the mark.                                         television, for example the Ngorongoro Crater or the
         5   Read through the completed text to make sure          Kruger National Park. I’d really love that. It’d be the
            your answers make sense.                               chance of a lifetime!

        3  1 They looked for it on the  Internet, but they finally
          found it through an island broker.

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