Page 239 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 239                                                                               Answer key: Unit 11

             in by dull, monotonous little trees! It’s not as if we had       smooth – you can’t expect it to be all plain sailing when
           to come here. There were lots of other places we could   you’re travelling to oases and places like that.
           have gone if only we’d realised.                      Woman:  I agree, and I really appreciated sharing buses
         Woman:  Oh, Don. If only you’d put on some repellent!     and ferries with all sorts of interesting people – you
           And if you’d please just stop moaning for a while,      know, I learned a lot about the country just from
           perhaps we could start enjoying ourselves a bit. Just   chatting to them. It could all have been quite dull
           think what a lovely change this is from city life!      otherwise, you know, waiting for transport in villages
         Man:  Some change! Even if we’d stayed at home, it’d be   and so on. At times, I felt I wanted the journey to go on
           better because I’d be relaxing in front of the telly right   forever. It wasn’t all delightful, but there was something
           now, instead of paddling up this miserable river.       unexpected round every corner.
         Woman:  Don!                                            Man:  That’s right.

         Extract Two                                            Vocabulary
         Woman:  So, what will we do if the weather breaks? Do   Phrasal verbs
           you think we’ll have to call it a day?
         Man:  Call it a day? No way! Not after all the hassle we’ve   1  1 f  2 b  3 e  4 d  5 i  6 a  7 c  8 g  9 h
           had to get this far, all the money we’re raising and all
           those people we’d be letting down! Look, we’re taking   2  1 come up  2 signed up  3 never live it/them down
           all the right equipment – wet weather gear, good boots,   4 let … down  5 put off  6 pay up  7 setting off
           you really can’t ask for more. Anyway, we’ve committed   8 count on  9 go through with
           ourselves to this thing, so we’ve got to go through with
           it. Look, if things start looking really bad, we can always
           put the walk off for a while and set off a bit later.  Grammar
         Woman:  OK, but we were warned about this, you         Conditionals
           remember. North-west Spain can be pretty icy at this
           time of year.                                        1  1 a and j  2 d  3 b and c  4 e, f, g and h,  5 i
         Man:  Of course, but that’s all part of it, isn’t it? And if we   2  Suggested answers
           don’t do it, we’ll never live it down. I’m sure we’ll make   1   Because the speaker is imagining an activity in
           it, I mean, our names will be dirt if we don’t.
                                                                     progress at the moment, as an alternative to what
         Woman:  That’s a good point, and I guess they’d pay up      he is actually doing.
           anyway even if we didn’t make it, wouldn’t they?
                                                                  2   past time (they’re both 3rd conditional)
         Man:  Hopefully, and anyway a little hardship never did     3   Because it was snowing throughout the period in
           anyone any harm.                                          which they were waiting. If the speaker had said
                                                                     ‘hadn’t snowed’, we would understand that the
         Extract Three                                               snow started and stopped during this period.
         Man:  So, you managed to get off the beaten tourist track     4   wouldn’t have insisted
           during your trip too, Kate.                            5   ‘If he hadn’t been so stubborn’ would describe
                                                                     how he was at the time when he insisted; ‘If he
         Woman:  That’s right, and, like you, to places which are
                                                                     wasn’t so stubborn’ describes how his behaviour
           really for the more intrepid traveller.
                                                                     or personality is generally.
         Man:  Right. It’s a good idea for people going there
           on their own to do bit of advance planning, but not   3  1 hadn’t left, wouldn’t be wandering  2 wasn’t/
           too much, because I think if you leave yourself open   weren’t rushing, would/’d be  3 wasn’t/weren’t,
           to whatever comes up, it can be very rewarding. Of     would/’d probably have reached / probably would
           course you’ll form all sorts of opinions about what you   have reached  4 would/’d try, were/was, would/’d
           see more or less on the spur of the moment, but that   have  5 were, would/’d carry  6 wouldn’t have
           doesn’t matter, because if you’re open-minded about    happened, had been concentrating  7 would ever
           things, you’ll soon discover you were mistaken about a   abandon, was travelling  8 would/’d like, will/’ll
           lot of them. And you have to take the rough with the   show

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